
Welcome to JeremyBulloch.com
Hi Everyone,
Its been a pretty busy month
since I last updated the website. At the end of October -
"Halloween night" - I went to Worcester to sign copies of the
newly released Episode III DVD at the Videodrome Store. The
store is owned by Tim Evans, and is in the centre of town in a
listed building. The atmosphere was perfect for Halloween, windy
and cold but everyone braved the elements to come and visit. If
you are ever in the area do pop in and see Tim and the team.

The following weekend Maureen
and I took a brief flight to Glasgow in Scotland for the
Memorabila show at the SECC. The convention centre reminds me of
the Sydney Opera House in Australia.

The event was really good and
it is always a pleasure to be in Scotland. These days I tend to
spend time watching children's TV with my grandson Ned, so was
amused to be sitting next to one of Ned's favourite characters
from the CBeebies - Danny John Jules, probably better known to
most of you for his part in 'Red Dwarf'

It was also good to meet up
with an old friend from drama school Fraser Hines and a co-star
from Dr. Who, Nicola Bryant.

True to form I found another
piece of Boba to collect.

The next event took place at
the National Space Centre in Leicester - it is quite an
impressive building, when you can find it! and was absolutely
perfect for a sci-fi show.

This show was organised by the
501st UK Garrison, and as usual they raised a lot of money for
charity. It always amazes me how much time these guys and girls
devote to deserving causes. On the Saturday night they held a
party for everyone at the hotel which was great fun - a rather
late night.

After returning from Leicester
I just had time to celebrate a dear friends birthday at a rather
splendid Chinese restaurant before zooming off to Antwerp early
the next morning.
I was in Antwerp at a special
event for the release of "Revenge of the Sith" DVD's. I first
went along to the Gunk Store which I had visited earlier this
year with Darth Vader.

After the signing we went to
the Campo Event. In the evening there was a party and everyone
grabbed a lightsaber for the World Record Lightsaber Dueling..
Judging by the empty boxes there must now be a shortage of
lightsabers in Belgium.

It was wonderful to see so many
children dressed up and taking part in the lightsaber duels. At
the end of the night I was presented with my own copy of
"Revenge of the Sith".

Having not travelled to the US
since August the Megafest show in Framingham, Boston was
something I was looking forward to. It was nice to meet up
Temeura Morrison and Chewy again (congratulations to him for
becoming a US citizen). The two day event was well attended, and
I met many new fans since my last visit two years ago. There
were many Boba's and Jango's around at the weekend - courtesy of
the 501st

Unfortunately we were unable to
attend the party held by the 501st as it clashed with a talk
Temeura and I were giving. One funny shot caught the eye of
Kevin who took this photo outside the Chinese restaurant.

It was nice to meet up with
popular guest Kevin Sorbo who everyone remembers as 'Hercules'.

For those of you wishing to
purchase a copy of "Flying Solo" I am giving away a free colour
10 x 8 autographed photo of Boba Fett with each copy ordered. I
hope to give one more update before the end of the year, so
speak to you all soon and take care.
New Appearance Date: 3rd/4th December
The Dutch Star Con has been cancelled until next year.
18th Dec 2005
Cardiff Christmas Event
Marriott Hotel
Mill Lane
11.00am - 4.00pm
New Appearance Date:
5th/6th November 2005
Hello everyone,
Again I have to start this
update with sad news - fellow actor and friend John Hollis passed
away after a long illness. He will be remembered as a most
generous and amusing man, and will be missed by friends and Star
Wars fans alike.
Since my last update the garden
project is almost complete, just a few walls to be finished,

In early October we went to
Italy to see the family having not had time to visit since
March. Our visit coincided with our grandaughter Lara's 5th
birthday. The day after our arrival we were given spades, forks
and a rotivator to help plant yet another terrace of olive
trees. The weather was good for October, and we managed plenty
of healthy walks.

We visited several local
restaurants, and felt our waistlines expanding daily.

My son Jamie has acquired a
cockerel and some chickens who provide their daily eggs, but
also have a tendency to wander into the house at every
opportunity. One day when I was alone in the house with just
Lara for company I heard a commotion and there were four hens
leaping around the kitchen - glasses and cups went flying as did
one chicken who flew onto the cooker - luckily it was switched
off, and the hen lives to lay another egg. Much to my surprise
Lara calmed the situation down, and gently lifted them all
outside. I then climbed down from the sofa!

A couple of days after arriving
in Italy I received a call from my agent to let me know I would
be filming the day after we returned home. This meant learning
the whole script whilst trying to read fairy tales to three
little girls - its not easy.
I did however get time to visit
a very interesting Archaeological Park nearby in Baratti which
house tombs of the Etruscans dating back to the 7th to 6th
century BC.

For several days I withdrew my
services as a babysitter, and buried my head in the script only
surfacing in the evening to cook pizzas.

Finally it was time to leave,
and our last evening did not disappoint with yet another
beautiful sunset.

We arrived back later than
anticipated due to flight delays, and it was 2:30 am before we
got home only to find yet another speeding ticket - this time I
was only doing 28m.p.h.(admittedly over Tower Bridge - but it
was 4.30 in the morning on our way to the airport to fly to
Italy) The way things are going I will definitely need Slave 1
pretty soon.
After a couple of hours sleep I
had to travel to Birmingham where I was due to start filming at
7.00am the following morning. I was appearing in a medical drama
for BBC TV called 'Doctors'. It was great to play alongside
Colin Baker (Dr Who fans will know exactly who I mean). In Star
Wars as Boba Fett I was a deadly shot with my Blastech E33
rifle, and in this episode I proved to be a dab hand as a

The weeks filming went very
well, and will probably be broadcast March 2006 on BBC1.
A few more shows coming up, so
will update very soon.
Thanks for all your kind
comments and emails over the last few months.
- Jeremy
SEPTEMBER 19, 2005 |
New Appearance Date:
Monday 31st October 2005
The Videodrome
47 Broad St
Worcester, WR1 3LR
Midday until 8pm
Contact: Tim Evans Tel: 01905 745301 Fax: 01905 731099
Mobile: 0781 0801844
12th - 13th November 2005
National Space Centre,
19th - 20th November
Boston Super Megafest
Sheraton Framingham Hotel
1657 Worcester Road
MA 01701
Tel: (508) 879 7200
3rd - 4th December 2005
The Dutch Star Con
De Druiventros
The Netherlands
SEPTEMBER 18, 2005 |
Hello everyone
I start this latest story with
the sad news of a great friend in the Star Wars universe who
passed away recently. Michael Sheard who played Admiral Ozzel
was enormous fun to be with on the convention circuit and will
be missed by both friends and fans alike. Maureen and I along
with Mike Edmonds attended his funeral last week on the Isle of

God Bless you Michael, you will
always be with us.
After our trip to Sacramento we
had our first weekend at home for months. As the weather was so
glorious we decided to take a trip and become tourists in our
own city. We started off by visiting the Tate Modern which is a
converted power station by the side of the river Thames. The
building was converted by Swiss architects Herzog and de Muron.
There was an exhibition of their many projects inside. including
a model for some buildings for the next Olympics in Beiing.

Our next visit was to the
London Eye (a very large ferris wheel).

The whole revolution takes
around 35 minutes, and it is incredible how much you can see of

For all of you fans who ask me
if London is always shrouded in fog? - the above photos prove
that the sun does shine in London (sometimes..)
The following weekend was
another trip to central London (and the sun is still shining).
There was a big festival in Regent Street which attracted around
20,000 people. Many streets were closed off, and funfairs and
entertainments were provided. Warwick Davis and myself were
invited to Hamleys Toy Store which is one of the most famous in
England. We were allowed into the store before it opened which
for Warwick's children was like Christmas morning.

I am home now for a while but
not resting - much work has to be done in my garden, but I have
a wonderful feathered friend to help.

I plan to spend around a month
at home now, so the next update will be in October.
Very best wishes to you all
SEPTEMBER 6, 2005 |
Hi Everyone,
Hope you have all had a good
summer, it has whizzed past for us in a blur with all the
wonderful trips.
After returning from Japan, we
had a very easy journey to Birmingham, UK to attend the
Memorabilia show. It had taken on a new format this year, and
all the guests were organised by Steve Goss from "Infinitely

Whilst in Japan I was contacted
by Troy Carlson to attend the Californian State Fair in
Sacramento. Troy owns the Stage Nine Entertainment Stores, and
had been asked to put on a Star Wars exhibition at the fair. It
was pretty short notice, but we managed to get flights and off
we went. We arrived a day early so had time to explore. One of
Troy's stores was in Old Sacramento where the Gold Rush began,
and the Pony Express started its epic journey. On April 4th 1860
Sam Hamilton began the 1st lap of the 1,966 mile trip to St.
Joseph, Missouri. During its 18 month existence its 121 riders
and 500 ponies delivered an amazing 35,000 pieces of mail with
the loss of only 1 pouch. If only our mail today was as

Old Sacramento is by the river,
and most of its buildings are as they were in the 1800's.

Walking around Old Sacramento
gave an insight in to what it might have been like in the Gold
Rush days.

We also visited the California
State Railroad Museum which was fantastic. I love the old trains
and there were plenty to look at.

Walking back to the hotel we
passed the magnificent State Capital Building.

On Thursday we were invited to
dinner with Troy and his wife Shannon. We went to their house
where we were greeted by their playful dog, and two even more
playful children. Also invited were Troy's parents Carl & Connie
(Carl mixes a wicked martini!) and old school friend Jim. It was
a very relaxing evening and the barbecued steak was delicious.

Friday was a media day where I
was up at the crack of dawn for television and radio interviews
- Boba even made the front page of the Metro section of the
Sacramento Bee.

On Friday evening around 6.00
pm we went to the fair to meet all the fans.
Both Saturday and Sunday were
extremely busy, and part of the exhibition included a small
theatre where fans could watch clips from all six Star Wars

Saturday evening Maureen and I
were invited by Mark and Darren to join them for dinner along
with members of the 501st. I was delighted to be presented with
a badge commemorating my honorary membership of the Central
California Garrison.

As the Star Wars area was so
busy it was difficult to get time to look around the fair, but
we did manage a little break during Sunday.

We would have liked to have had
another day just to look at everything at the fair as there was
so much to see. Alas it was time to head home on Monday, but at
least we had a lovely drive to San Francisco.

As it was such a long flight
back home we decided to travel in luxury.

On item I could not resist
getting on this trip was the Boba Fett football shirt which I
have had my eye on for some time.

All the best to everyone, and
thanks for all support in carrying on the Star Wars saga.
Speak to you soon,
New Appearance Date:
4th September 2005
Hamleys Toy Store
Regent Street
London W1
12.00pm - 6.00pm
Hi Everyone,
Here is the latest news on my
The weekend before traveling to
Japan I appeared at two more Athena shops, one in Southampton on
Saturday, and on Sunday very close to home in Sutton. The 501st
were on duty and were raising money for charity at the shopping
malls. One fan brought in a wonderful painting he had done, but
this time it went home with him!

On Tuesday 18th July we set off
to Japan. The flight to Osaka was over 11 hours, and we arrived
early the following morning. We seemed to be flying in continual
daylight, but a photo we took from the plane window looked like
sunrise, or was it sunset? One gets very disorientated traveling
across time zones.

We arrived in Osaka to very hot
weather, and were driven to the wonderful New Otani Hotel where
we managed to catch up on some sleep. In the evening we went to
a Tempura restaurant and sampled some tasty Japanese food. Kenny
Baker and Val arrived late that evening having missed their
connection in the States.
Our host Mike Fuji has a chain
of toyshops in Japan, and the first one we visited was Mike
Store in Osaka - the shop is in a very bustling part of the
city, and by the time we arrived there was already a line of
fans waiting inside and outside the shop.

After a very long afternoon it
was time to head out to to the bright lights of Osaka to dine
again at a wonderful crab restaurant that Maureen and I had
visited before.

The following morning we were
driven to another of Mike's shops, this time in Kobe (famous for
its beef) The traffic in Osaka is pretty much like any other big
city, the only difference being that there are roads built above
roads, and one would have to be pretty clued up to where you
were going.

Mike's shop in Kobe was tiny,
so it was a bit of a squeeze getting Kenny and myself plus all
our photos in the shop. The fans were very patient, as they were
let in one by one, and the afternoon was very enjoyable. We left
straight after the show to catch a train to Kanazawa. We were
met at the station by Mori One store owner Tadahiko Hashiba and
Yamamoto who was organising the event. We were taken to our
hotel for an overnight stay. It was an hours drive to the first
venue in Toyama, and we were struck by how green the fields were
- they were growing rice, also parts of the countryside
resembled Switzerland with pine forests either side of the road.
It was then another hours drive in the afternoon to a much
bigger store in Ishikawa. We were taken into the President's
(Koichi Hashiba) office to relax before the show, and were
amazed to see an instantly recognizable Van Gogh painting
hanging on the wall - is this genuine?

The show was a big success, and
Kenny and I had fun talking about our experiences in Star Wars.
It was then time for a train journey back to Osaka. The next day
it was a visit to Mike's shop at the Universal City Walk in
Osaka. His shop is beautifully laid out, and now houses his
museum. He has many original pieces and prototype Star Wars
figures. It was a very busy day, and we only just finished in
time to catch the Shinkansen Bullet train to Tokyo.

We had heard that there had
been two earthquakes in Tokyo over the weekend, but everything
seemed pretty normal by the time we arrived. The bullet train is
amazing and it took just over two hours to travel 500 km's. Our
hotel - the Cerulean Tower Toyku was another first class hotel,
and the view from our room on the 36th floor was pretty

Mike's shop in Tokyo was
another very tiny one and only 3 or 4 people could get in at a
time which meant many fans had to line up outside in the street.
Kenny and I signed solidly from 1.00pm until 7.00pm, and just as
we finished the rain started to fall. We had been warned that a
typhoon was on its way to Tokyo, and that the signing the
following day would probably have to be cancelled. That evening
we were taken to a nearby Italian restaurant.

The next morning we heard the
weather forecast was not too good so we had to head straight
back to Osaka. We were sad to leave as we knew that many fans
would be disappointed we would not be there. So it was back on
the bullet train to Osaka and the New Otani Hotel. That evening
we had a special treat of going to the hotel restaurant and
having a gourmet meal of lobster and kobe beef prepared in front
of us.

As we had a free day we went to
Mike's office which also resembles a museum, and had time to
look around Osaka, ending up at the fabulous Osaka Palace which
we could see in the distance from our hotel.

On our last day, it was time to
collect everything together including all the gifts we had been
given, and prepare for the last night party which was to be held
at Mike's office. Yoshiko had prepared a feast, and there was
also a sushi chef on hand.

Mike has collected many pieces
of original artwork, and one of his favourites is a Boba Fett
painting by the Greek/American artist Kostas Seremetis.

Despite earthquakes and a
typhoon we all had an amazing time, and were made to feel very
welcome. I seem to have mentioned many meals in my story - but
the food is so fantastic in Japan. A big thanks to Mike Fuji and
Yoshiko and all their staff for their hospitality and also to
Angelika and Masa for their hard work and translation skills -
my Japanese is limited to arrigato and Konnichi wa. A Very
memorable trip and we look forward to visiting Japan again.
All for now, and take care
everyone and enjoy the summer.
I have been nominated by
'Collectors Mart' here in the UK for the best signee award. Fans
can vote on the following link:
Hello again everyone,
After Mexico's busy convention
and the long trip home to London we had a few days rest and then
it was off to attend the 'studio-polis' convention in Metz,
France. The line-up of Star Wars actors was impressive and
included Julian Glover, Tim Rose, Anthony Daniels, Michael
Culver, Nalini Krishan and Orli Shoshan. Also attending were
Lawrence Makoare from the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy and Neil
and Adrian Rayment the Matrix twins.

The event was held at the
Kinepolis cinema complex that is the same group as the one in
Ghent. Similarly we were given our own star to be placed in the
walk of fame. One of the costumes that caught my eye was a
miniature Darth Vader still scary even at his height. Another
family we have seen many times on our visits to France showed up
in force.

As always when one is in France
the restaurants are superb, and our hosts excelled in their
selection. The show went very well, and the city of Metz was a
delight to visit. Our hotel was situated right in the centre,
and we could walk to all the sights. The Saint-Etienne cathedral
stands out for its beauty. It was started in the 13th century
and lasted until 1522. It boasts many beautiful stained glass
windows including one by Marc Chagall depicting biblical scenes
from Adam and Eve to the fall of Jerusalem.

On our day of departure we were
not leaving until lunchtime so had time to explore a little
more. Metz is on the Moselle river which is spanned by many

One amusing incident. We had a
three hour drive to the airport which was across the border in
Germany. Our airport was Frankfurt Hahn, but due to a change of
driver we all ended up at the main Frankfurt airport which is
about 60 miles away. Needless to say by the time we got the
right airport our flight had just left. Luckily there was
another flight later that evening, so we all piled into the
restaurant and relaxed with a meal and bottle of wine. Everyone
was very good humoured and it was soon time to board our later
flight. A less amusing incident happened at the end of this
eventful day. On our drive home from the airport around midnight
I was caught by one of our infamous speed cameras, and now face
a fine! Even Boba can't talk his way out of this one.
Our next trip was to Tulsa,
Oklahoma. It had been four years since my last visit, and I was
looking forward to seeing everyone again. The venue had changed
and was held at the John Q. Hammons arena, which must be the
most incredibly equipped sports hall for a high school.

On our arrival I was a
concerned at the amount of police cars parked outside, did they
know about my speeding misdemeanour in England? It turned out
that they were all friends of the promoters and gave their time
for free.

Peter Mayhew and I were the
only two Star Wars actors, and the rest were mainly from Star
Trek. I sat next to an amazing lady called Grace Lee Whitney who
played Yeoman Rand in the original Star Trek series. She had
some fascinating tales to tell of Hollywood and she gave me her
book 'The Longest Trek'.
One of the fans, Jamie,
invited Maureen and I to the restaurant Charlestons where he
worked. The manager Joseph was also a big Star Wars fan. It was a
thoroughly enjoyable evening, and the food was delicious.

On the final evening Peter and
I were invited by the Tulsa Fan Force for dinner. Many thanks
goes to all the group especially Shelbi who arranged the

Thanks to John Harper, Jonathan
Harris and Joe Bob for all their hard work in arranging this
Back home again and the
following weekend 2nd/3rd July I attended two shop signings in
Brighton and Stoke-on-Trent at the Athena Stores. It was good to
be on home territory.
Due to the atrocities that
happened here in London on the 7th July I decided to cancel my
trip to New Jersey and be at home with my family. Everyone was
very understanding and I hope to go back again soon.
Speak to you all very soon.
New appearance dates:
July 21st - July 26th 2005 -
Japan Tour
July 21st - Mike Store - Osaka
July 22nd - Mike Toys - Kobe
July 23rd - Morione - Toyama
Morione - Ishikawa
July 24th - Nostalgia Museum - Osaka
July 25th - Astro Mike - Tokyo
July 26th - Shibuya Mike - Tokyo
13th - 14th August 2005
Hall 12
Hi Everyone,
The month of June has been
really hectic with a show every weekend, and July is turning out
to be the same. I have one more trip to the US this weekend to
New Jersey, and then will probably not be back again until 2006.
This prompts me to mention to my American friends not to send
letters to me in the UK with American stamps on them as they
cannot be used here. In the past when I have been travelling
frequently to the USA this has not been a problem as I can post
them from there. The best way to send postage is by
International Reply Coupon available from the Post Office (two
are needed to send a normal letter to a US address). Also I
would advise fans not to send 10 x 8 photos through the mail as
many are arriving completely crumpled.
Now on with the story......
On returning from Chicago on
the 31st May I had a few hours rest then was whisked off to
appear on a TV Shopping Channel that evening. Two days at home
and then it was time to head West again this time to
Philadelphia for the Wizard Show. I love Philadelphia as
everything is within walking distance from the Convention
Centre, and there are many fabulous restaurants. The show was
excellent and I appeared with fellow Star Wars actors and
friends Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker and Jerome Blake.
On my way back from a lunch break I spotted an interesting
interpretation of Boba Fett made entirely from motorcycle parts.
Of course you can guess where it is now?

Many of the fans turned up in
costume and this father and son act topped the bill.

We all had a lot of fun over
the weekend, and one of the highlights was being taken out to
dinner by the 501st Legion.

On Monday 6th June we flew to
Cancun, Mexico, and were met by the some fans from the Cancun
Fanclub. Jose Luis (one of the organisers) and Hugo then drove
us on the four hour drive to Merida for the Revelations
Convention. As Ray Park, Dave Prowse and myself came in early
this gave us plenty of time to appear on TV and give radio and
newspaper interviews.

Asis, another of
the organisers, wanted to show us his office which turned out to
be more like a museum.

We had plenty of time for
sightseeing, and were taken to the Museum of Anthropology were
we were given a fascinating tour of Mayan history by a gentleman
who spoke perfect English. Merida is a lovely colonial city,
much quieter than the hustle and bustle of Mexico City, and some
of the architecture was outstanding.

One evening we were driven to
Uxmal which is recognised as a World Heritage Site. Uxmal is one
of most important archaeological sites in Mexico. We arrived
just as the sun was setting, and the site looked magical. We
stayed on and watched the sound and light show in the Nunnery
Quadrangle, which was made even more dramatic by the electrical
storm in the background.

On our way back to
the hotel Jose Luis and Jorge (our liaison from L.A.) invited us
to the Hacienda San Ildefonso Teya for dinner. This hacienda was
built in 1683; sometime later it was abandoned and left in ruins
until 1974 when it was restored to its former glory. It is now
an hotel and gourmet restaurant. It boasts the Clinton Family
and Queen Sofia of Spain as guests who have stayed there. The
meal was superb, and a great way to finish a lovely day. The
following day we did some more sightseeing and even managed a
trip to the beach at Progresso. This time our host was Edwin.

On Friday evening we went to a
concert of John Williams Star Wars music played by the Syphony
Orchestra of Yucatan. It was taking place at the Teatro Jose
Peon Contreras which is another beautiful building both inside
and out. Like the Paris show in May the conductor Juan Felipe
Molano Munoz was young and enthusiastic, and the concert was a
huge hit with all the fans.

We had done so much in the
three days we were in Merida and the convention hadn't even
started! The show was great fun, and with Daniel Logan's arrival
on Friday evening we now had two Boba's and two Darth's.

As with all conventions the
time goes by too quickly, but with Merida we had a special
evening awaiting us. On the Sunday night we were taken to a
typical Mexican restaurant where the Mariaches were performing
both music and dancing. After sampling a small tequila Maureen
and I soon got into the swing of things.

Thanks to everyone
involved with Revelations 2005 for all their hard work,
hospitality, and the wonderful gifts that we were given. Muchas
New appearance dates:
2nd July 2005
78 Churchill Square
Shopping Centre
Lower Mall
E. Sussex BN1 2TS
Tel: 01273 726347
10.30am - 4.30pm
3rd July 2005
Hanley Athena
Lewis' Arcade
The Potteries Shopping Centre
Staffordshire ST1 1PS
Tel: 01782 205823
!0.30am - 4.30pm
16th July 2005
Southampton Athena
Lower Level
West Quay Shopping Centre
45 Above Bar
Southampton SO15 1QE
Tel: 02380 335842
10.30am - 4.30.pm
17th July 2005
Sutton Athena
Unit 2
23 St. Nicholas Centre
Sutton SM1 1AX
Tel: 0208 770 9610
10.30am - 4.30pm
Hi Everyone,
After the premiere in London I had to reply to countless
emails from friends and fans alike congratulating me on my major
role in 'Revenge of the Sith'! The following weekend we were off
to Belgium for Star Force 2005 - this time by car which made a
welcome change from airports. We drove to Antwerp to visit the
Gunk Store which specialises in video games where Dave Prowse
and myself met many fans. It was then off to Ghent where we
attended a charity dinner at the TIVA restaurant.

The dinner was to raise money for a charity called
Cliniclowns who work with children in hospitals.

The event on Sunday was held at the Kinepolis cinema where
Dave and I were joined by fellow Star Wars actors Mike Kingma (Tarfful
from Ep 3) and Andy Herd (Jawa/Ewok from the original trilogy).
The surprise at the end of the day was being presented with our
own star which would be placed in the cinema's 'Walk of Fame'.

On Sunday evening we had a little time to explore the
wonderful city of Ghent.

We arrived home on Monday afternoon, and repacked ready for
our trip to Chicago the following morning. We had been invited
to another cinema complex this time in Woodridge, Illinois. We
flew in a couple of days early to do television and radio
interviews. On my arrival at the television studios of WGN I was
taken by surprise when I was asked to read the morning sports
news dressed as Boba Fett complete with helmet - I wasn't sure
whether they were joking or not - they weren't!

I needed to visit the Post Office to mail off some fan
letters, and was told a car would collect us. I wasn't prepared
for what arrived at the hotel - just for a trip to the Post

The stretch limo was to be our transport for the week, and
every day they sent an even longer version from the day before.

The event at the weekend was held at the Hollywood Boulevard
which is owned by Ted Bulthaup. This movie theatre is unique in
that you can wine and dine whilst watching a film. It has its
own bar and restaurant serving pretty yummy food. Each theatre
was themed, and had swivel chairs and tables from which to eat.
Ted has collected many props to furnish the theatres. Even the
bathrooms were called Norman's and Mothers from the great film

It is difficult to describe the whole theatre complex, but if
any of you live in the Chicago area this is one place not to be
Over the weekend many fans came to see the new film and get
autographs and photos. A fan who I had met some time ago, made
me a resin Boba Fett bust - another piece for the museum.

On our last night the biggest stretch limo in the world came
to collect us from the Hollywood Boulevard.

Many thanks to Ted and his PR girl Angelique for making this
a memorable weekend.
Next update soon.
New appearance dates:
June 24th-26th
Trek Expo 2005
The Umac - John Q. Hammons Arena
6836 South Mingo
Tulsa, OK
July 9th/10th
Super Megashow 2005
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Secaucus, N.J.
Hello again Everyone,
Some more tales from the Bounty Hunter.
Maureen and I flew to Budapest in Hungary on 6th May and were
looking forward to this trip as it was our first visit to this
famous capital city. On our arrival we were met by Bence and
Attila who were responsible for arranging my trip. The show was
on Sunday and as we had arrived on Friday we were going to have
plenty of time for sightseeing. On Friday evening we were taken
to a restaurant high up on the hill of Buda (Budapest is divided
into two towns by the river Danube - Buda and Pest). We sampled
delicious Hungarian food and listened to a local group playing
typical classical music.
On Saturday morning we taken to the Castle district and
explored the Matthias Church and Fishermen's Bastion.

On Saturday afternoon our hosts organised a meeting between
myself and one of the famous Hungarian soccer players of the
1950's. I spent an hour chatting with Mr Grosics about football
with the help of our interpreter Bence, and even managed a kick
about in the local park.

Sunday allowed us some more sightseeing as I was not due at
the show until 3:00pm. We visited the City Park, and met up with
a familiar character!

I started the event around 3.00pm with an hour long Q & A. It
turned out not to be so difficult as I had feared because many
Hungarians speak very good English, and my translator was quick.
At the autograph session I was surprised how many people turned
up, even the organisers were taken aback by the enthusiasm of
the fans.
In the evening we were invited to dinner by the Hungarian fan
club. We were taken to a theme restaurant called Sir Lancelot.
The interior was decorated to resemble a castle and had a huge
table reminiscent of King Arthur's days. Two men dressed up as
knights gave us a mock sword fight and to everyone's surprise a
beautiful belly dancer climbed onto our table and danced for 10

Thanks to all the fans in Hungary, Maureen and I had a
wonderful time.
The following weekend it was off to Paris for the Star Wars
reunion. Before leaving I had a telephone interview with a radio
station in Equador.There are many fans in South America and they
grow by the day.
On Friday the 13th (sounds like a dark date) we left for
Paris. That evening we attended a concert at the Rex Theatre.
The 60 piece orchestra was conducted by the extraordinary 22
year old Samuel Sene. Watch out for his name as we will be
seeing a lot more of him. All the music that evening was of
course John Williams Star Wars themes and Samuel had insisted
that all members of the orchestra were Star Wars fans - it
certainly showed - absolutely brilliant. Other guests included
Rick McCallum, Steve Sansweet, Rob Coleman (ILM) Peter Mayhew
and Warwick Davis.

It was great to meet up with Roger Carel who dubbed the voice
of C3PO for French audiences.

On Saturday Peter and I did our lengthy stage show, and then
it was time to meet all the fans. The whole theatre was busy
with talks from the guests, trailers from Episode III and

Patrice Girod did a great job organising the event and Sunday
was just as busy as Saturday. In the evening guests departed at
the the end of the show to get home to prepare for the big night
- 'Revenge of the Sith' premiere in London.
Monday morning - 16th May 2005 - what a day this turned out
to be. I was collected by car at 10.00 am to drive to Leicester
Square where I was interviewed by both TV and Radio stations.
This went on for most of the day culminating in being introduced
on stage in the centre of the square. It was home for a quick
change before setting off with Maureen to the premiere. The
crowds in Leicester Square had grown enormously, and despite the
rain everyone was very excited, including myself. There was a
huge roar as I stepped onto the red carpet - but then I realised
it was for George Lucas who was behind me! He spent a long time
chatting to fans and signing their soggy autograph books.

The 501st were out in force and marching with Lord Vader
around the square they looked pretty spectacular on the red

Just before entering the cinema we were all called for a
photo shoot.
As we entered the cinema I was honoured to be invited on
stage by Rick McCallum to be introduced to the audience along
with all the other Star Wars actors and of course George. Like
everyone else I thought the film was terrific and it left me
wanting more - who knows what might happen. I was quite chuffed
to see my brief appearance as Captain Colton. It was a very
exciting evening, and was rounded off by a party at the Cocoon
Club in Regent Street - Wow what a night.
May the Force be with you all, and speak to you soon when I
have recovered
Boba & Captain Colton
New appearance dates:
May 26th - 29th 2005
Hollywood Boulevard
1001 W. 75th St.
IL 60517
Show times and event information (630) 427 1880
June 11th/12th 2005
Revelations 2005
Hotel Montejo Palace
June 18th/19th 2005
Cinema Kinepolis
10 av. Paul Langevin
57070 St. Julien Les Metz
Hi Everyone,
After Kansas City we were lucky
enough to have a weekend free before starting the next round of
shows. Before travelling to Indianapolis we took in a one day
show in England called "Galaxy of Stars" which combined Star
Wars and other Sci-Fi guests. This was a first ever event in
Weston-super-Mare, and was a great success. Jason and Dave who organised the convention did a wonderful job, and the day was
rounded off by a fan buffet where everyone could get together.
We were all presented with an award at the end of the evening,
another lovely item for my collection. At the show a stunning
painting of Boba Fett took my eye, and I could not resist buying

On our return we had one day to
prepare for the big one - C3. The first thing I want to say to
all of you who attended Celebration III is that you all deserve
a medal for being so patient and good humoured during the four
day extravaganza. When Maureen and I flew into Indianapolis on
Tuesday before the event, the weather was warm and pleasant, and
just perfect for the much anticipated C3.
What happened to the weather on
Thursday was just what we didn't need, the temperature dropped
20 degrees, and it started raining. I woke early due to jetlag,
and looking out of the hotel window around 6.00 am. I saw a line
going around the block. I went downstairs to get coffee, and
decided to cross the road and have a chat to the fans.

The show was so busy all four
days and nights that there was no time to take many photos, so I
apologise for this. On the opening day I did my stage show with
Daniel Logan, which was hosted by Jay Laga'aia who played
Captain Typho.

We were invited to several
parties, but obviously couldn't attend all, but we did make the
Master Replicas party and also the 501st - this was made easy as
they were both held in the same hotel.

On the final day of the show I
was welcomed as an honorary member of the Rebel Legion.

Hope everyone had an amazing
time - we certainly did.
We left for England on Monday
night and when we arrived in London on Tuesday morning I had to
get a flight straight to Madrid where I was attending a show
organised by Toys R Us and Hasbro. Sorry no pictures - I left my
official photographer Maureen at home.
I arrived home on Wednesday
quite exhausted, and got ready for the show Collectormania 7 at
the weekend. It was the first time the three Fetts were together
in the U.K.
I also bumped into Andre and
Derek - don't they look familiar.

One of the guests appearing was
James Marsters from Buffy. Apparently fans had been lining up
since 3.00 a.m. to get a chance for an autograph. His line was
almost as long as mine at C3! When he heard that Boba Fett was
also at the show he asked to be escorted to my table for an
autograph for his son. When he arrived he said he was so
thrilled to meet me, as Boba was his hero, and he had modelled a
lot of his performances on Boba. It was a delight to meet him
(Don't tell anyone but I got his autograph as well :)

Off to Budapest in Hungary next
and will catch up with you all after the opening of "Revenge 0f
The Sith"
New appearance dates:
April 21st - 24th 2005
Celebration III
Indiana Convention Center
May 8th 2005
Tavasizi SF Feszival
a Millenaris Parkban
13th/14th/15th May 2005
Star Wars Reunion
Grand Rex Theatre
1 Bd Poissonniere
75002 Paris
Tel: 33 (1) 145 08 93 58
21st/22nd May 2005
Star Force 2005
June 3rd/4th/5th 2005
Wizard World
Pennsylvania Convention Center
Hi Everyone,
After arriving home from Italy
we traveled to Manchester UK where I was appearing at the well
known Fab Cafe. The cafe itself reminded me of Jabba's Palace,
with very atmospheric lighting. It also had several vintage Star
Wars machines. I gave a talk and question and answer session for
the fans that had attended. Many thanks to Mike of the Fab Cafe
and also Jonathan Thompson who organised my visit. Jonathan is
the collector of many of the Star Wars machines. It was well
worth a visit.

The following week Tracy (a
friend and fan we have met at many conventions) was over from
Phoenix, AZ to visit London. We took her and her stepdaughter
Emily for a typical Indian meal which they both loved.
I had been asked to partake in
a documentary on the making of Star Wars, and was to be provided
with a car to drive me to the studios in Elstree. I was amazed
the next morning to see a stretch limo parked outside my house -
things were looking up. All the neighbours were very inquisitive
to see what was going on. It transpired that I was was actually
going to be filming inside the limo, and not going anywhere,
just driving around the local roads.

The following day it was back
to the airport for our trip to Kansas City. I had been asked to
the Planet Comicon event several times in the past, but had
never been free to go. It was my first visit to Kansas City, and
Chris Jackson the promoter had organised live radio interviews
for Peter Mayhew and myself. It was an early start, but well
worth the effort as so many people heard the interviews and came
along to the show. The convention was extremely successful on
both days and the fans were as always polite and happy to see
us. One of the highlights of the event was meeting Daniel, a
wrestler who is actually taller than Chewy - even Peter was
amazed. Another jolly sight was the the appearance of the Kansas
City Chiefs supporters. Before leaving the venue I was made an
honorary member of Heart of the Alliance Fan Force of Kansas
City, and given a rather striking T-shirt.

On our last evening we were
taken out for a farewell dinner by our host, and all his

Speak to you all soon, and hope
to see many of you at C3.
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the delay in updating
the saga of Boba's adventures but I have hardly had time to
think as our trips to Minneapolis, Stockholm & Rome virtually
ran into one long journey without a break.
On Thursday March 3rd Maureen
and I flew to Minneapolis, St Paul for the MarsCon convention.
Snowy weather greeted our arrival, much the same as London. It
was a trip I was really looking forward as I had never visited
this part of America before, and I had heard so much about the
largest Mall in America. It didn't disappoint and it took us
forever to walk round this gigantic shopping arena. Marscon was
a very friendly convention and the organiser of guests,
Christine La Bounty (cool name), was the perfect hostess. It was
good to meet up with Timothy Zahn again, he is a very good
writer especially science fiction. We have crossed paths on many
occasions and always make fun of each other. Other guests
attending were Richard Herd who is a fan favourite for his
performance in the TV series "V" and Herb Jefferson from
BattleStar Gallactica.

We arrived back in London and
hardly had time to repack and then we were off to Sweden to the
city of Gothenburg. After our lengthy trip to Minneapolis I
remember mentioning to Maureen how nice it was to do a short
trip for a change. Soon I was eating my words as on our arrival
at Heathrow airport our flight was delayed for at least one and
a half hours. We had a connection in Copenhagen, Denmark which
we would miss. We met up with Kenny Baker and Val in Copenhagen
and we were put on a later flight. By the time we arrived in
Gothenburg the trip had taken us eight and a half hours (same as
London to Minneapolis). Not only were we late but our luggage
was still in Copenhagen. After a few telephone calls we were
assured our luggage would be on the next flight. Like
Minneapolis the weather was very cold and snowy, but it did not
deter the Swedish fans.

I met for the first time Robert
Englund - Freddy from "Nightmare on Elm St". He is almost as
frightening as Boba! Making up the guest list was Kenny Baker
and Sala Baker - Sauron from "Lord of the Rings" who stepped in
at the last minute when Sean Astin had to cancel. Sala had to
make the long journey from Los Angeles at short notice. Many
thanks to him for doing that it made the weekend complete.

The convention was very
enjoyable and the Swedish fans are always very enthusiastic. On
our return to London we kept our fingers crossed that the
journey home would not take so long.
Another rapid turn around and
it was time for our trip to Rome, Italy for DeepCon 6. We left
on Wednesday 16th March but the show wasn't due to start until
the Saturday. Our hosts wanted to show us some of the sights.
From the airport we were taken to an Italian restaurant to have
lunch and meet up with some of the organisers, Flora, Gaby,
Angelica and Sylvana. After a sumptuous meal (everything stops
for food in Italy) we were taken to St Peter's Square.

We walked and walked and walked
some more and finally as it was getting dark arrived at the
wonderful Piazza Navona.
It was then time to eat again
at typical Italian pizza restaurant. Finally around 10.30 pm it
was time to take the hours drive to Fiuggi where the Convention
was taking place.
On Thursday morning we made a
visit to the old town of Fiuggi Alto which was beautiful and we
were lucky that it was market day.

In the evening we revisited the
town for a wine tasting and canapes at La Cantina di Antonio -
and this was before another four course meal at the hotel.

On Friday it was another sight
seeing trip this time to the the old town of Genazzano to visit
the Sanctuary of our Mother of Good Counsel. Parts of this
Basilica date back to before 1356.

It was then back to the hotel
for refreshments (another four course lunch) I'm in heaven! and
then off for one more trip to the town of Alatri in the

The convention started in
earnest on Saturday, when all the guests had finally arrived. As
always there was a presence of the 501st Garrison.

The other guests were Garrett
Wang from "Star Trek Voyager", Larry Nemecek, author and his
wife Janet a script co-ordinator on Star Trek. Lolita Fatjo who
also worked on the Star Trek series as script co-ordinator and
production assistant. Author Joe Nassise who wrote horror novel
"River Watch" and it was honour to meet Italian astronaut
Umberto Guidoni.

After a lunch of pasta, bread
and wine I prepared to give my talk to an eager crowd. Flora and
Gaby as interpreters were a great help and soon we struck a
rhythm so any funny story I told came across well.

On Saturday evening a banquet
was organised (I thought every meal was a banquet!) followed by
the costume parade.

Sunday was taken up with
several interviews with TV companies, a second Q & A and by four
p.m. it was time for the closing ceremony. DeepCon 6 has to be
the most relaxed convention I have attended - I blame all the
food entirely.......
By 6.30 pm, after hunting for
the well hidden railway station we were on our way to Rome to
head to our son's house. We finally arrived at 11.00 pm that
evening. The following morning it was Evie's 3rd birthday, and
we were pleased we managed to get there in time. It was down to
the square for morning coffee.

Lunch was followed by a very
chocolately birthday cake.

There is no rest for the
wicked! The following morning we were woken very early to catch
the ferry for a day trip to the island of Elba. We visited the
house that Napoleon spent in exile.

As it was a beautiful day we
went to the beach for a picnic lunch.

Finally on Wednesday it was
time to travel home after our week in Italy. Once home I got to
try on the T-shirt that the Italian 501st Garrison had given me.

In between all this traveling I
had managed to fit in some filming for the Trial of Davros. It
was purely for charity and I was pleased to help. Below is some
information on where it will be seen. My character was Skellon -
Chairman of the Peace Conference.

place on July 16th at Tameside Hippodrome in Ashton-under-Lyne
to raise funds for the NSPCC and BBC Children In Need. Its also
the same weekend of the Sci-Fi event which also includes
characters from STAR WARS, Spider-man, Batman and many others.
In the production the Timelords put Dalek Creator Davros on
trial and illustrate some of the evil things his creatures have
done. Actor Terry Molloy reprises his role of Davros from the TV
series and other cast include Micheal Jayston and John
Leeson.One of these special filmed 'evidence' inserts takes
place at a Peace Conference which finds itself under Dalek
Attack. For more details visit
Speak to you all soon.
Hi Everyone - its been a few
weeks since my last update. On February 15th it was time for our
big excursion to Italy to celebrate my birthday. We flew eleven
members of our family to Pisa, it was also our grandson Ned 's
2nd birthday on the 15th. My son Christian and his family flew
in from Ireland to meet up for the flight to Italy - we could
have hired a lear jet!
On our arrival at Pisa Jamie
was there to meet us, and sort out the problem of how to
transport so large a party to his house an hours drive away. He
managed to pile seven people into his car, and Robbie hired
another car to take the rest of the entourage.
A surprise birthday party was
laid on for Ned, a table of eight for the children, and a table
of eight for the adults. When he was given his cake he appeared
bemused, but tucked into the smarties anyway.

The next morning was the 16th,
and my Birthday - I opened all my cards, and read the emails
fans had sent me from all over the world. We then sat down for
breakfast with the special loaf of bread Jamie had baked.

Jamie and Ummi had planned our
four days down to the last detail, and a magnificent lunch was
planned for today.
Doc -
Jeremy Andrew Bulloch - My Birthday lunch menu.

The lunch went on until early
evening, and then it was time to collapse around the roaring log
fire, and have a lovely family get together - this was the first
time that my three sons, partners and eight grandchildren had
all been together.
The following day I whisked off
by Christian, Jamie & Robbie for a surprise lunch in a
restaurant overlooking the sea.
Friday had been set aside for
olive tree planting. The idea was to plant eight trees for the
children, and eight for the adults, each one with its owners
nametag. It was hard work digging all the holes, and although
the weather was pretty cold we soon warmed up with the exertion.
With a lot of hard work the first eight holes were completed by
lunchtime, except Jamie had come up with an unexpected problem
where his tree was to be planted.

In the afternoon it was time to
get planting.

One by one everyone planted
their trees.

Unfortunately the youngest
grandchild Connie slept through the whole afternoon.
Saturday arrived, and it was
time to head home after a memorable celebration.
A week later we heard that a
blizzard had hit them in Italy, and they were snowed in, but the
children were loving it.

That's all for now folks, as
the looney tunes would say - we are off to MarsCon this weekend
in Minneapolis.
Thanks for all your emails -
further new to come shortly.
New appearance dates:
March 4th - 6th 2005
MarsCon 2005
Airport Marriott Hotel
Minnesota, USA
March 12th - 13th
The Scandinavian Sci-Fi, Game & Film Convention
Svenska Massan
March 17th - 20th 2005
DeepCon 6
Hotel Ambasciatori
Via dei Villini
8 - Fuiggi Terme
April 2nd - 3rd 2005
Planet Comicon
Overland Park International Trade Center
6806 West 115th Street
Overland Park
Kansas 66211 USA
April 16th 2005
Galaxy of Stars
The Winter Gardens
Hi Everyone,
Well January has come and gone, and it was great to leave
England to fly to a sunnier climate. At the end of January I
appeared at FX 2005 in Orlando. The last time I went to this
show was in 2002 and I was interested to see if it had changed
having been taken over by a new promoter, Mike Herz. The event
took place in Downtown Orlando in the same Expo Center that I
had first visited FX in 1996.
The show was extremely well attended and there was a great
variety of guests.

On Saturday evening Mike and his wife Stephanie invited all
the guests and helpers to a wonderful restaurant for dinner. The
evening was a great success, but we declined the offer of a trip
to a nightclub with all the trendy youngsters, as we had an
early start on the Sunday morning.
It was good to see the many friends I have made over the
years including the Gordon family from Orlando who never fail to
turn up when I am in the area. Another fan, Troy and his son
Morgan presented me with a CD of relevant Boba Fett music.

In a weeks time the whole family are off to Italy to
celebrate my birthday for four days (Help) Will have plenty of
photos and news from our trip.
Speak to you all soon.
In my last update at the end of November I was still filming
the sci-fi pilot series StarHyke. I had a welcome break from
filming when I attended the Memorabilia show in Birmingham, UK,
and one of the first people to greet me couldn't wait to drop
his trousers to proudly show me his brand new tattoo!

After the show it was back to work for the final week on
StarHyke. In one episode I was required to age somewhat which
was quite scary.

It was also an honour to meet up with one of the U.K.'s
leading astronomers - Patrick Moore. He was appearing as a guest
star in StarHyke as the 'Oracle'.

In the final week of filming I eventually got to work in the
medical bay - it was a fantastic set with many phials, and
suspicious looking medical gadgets.

I finished filming late on the evening of December 3rd, and
early the following morning Maureen & I flew off to sunny
Barcelona for the film festival which was held in nearby Sitges.
Dave Prowse and I were the Star Wars guests, and Steve Sansweet
was there to give his presentation and show the trailer for the
Revenge of the Sith. Between all three of us we must have
conducted at least twenty media interviews, the interest in
Episode III was phenomenal.

The festival was very relaxed, and we had plenty of time to
explore the wonderful town of Sitges.

Our hosts Jose and Fernando along with their wives invited us
out to a typical local restaurant.

We arrived back on Wednesday and prepared to travel to Hull
for the one day show 'Hullywood'. This is only the second show
that Nick the promoter has put on, and it attracted a lot of
people. He is a young man with an abundance of energy and
determination, and I wish him all the luck for the future.

Next stop was a whirlwind visit to Kinsale in Ireland to see
my eldest son, his wife and their four girls for a pre-Chrismas

On the final Saturday before Christmas there was just time to
fit in a book signing at the VinMag shop in central London. I
was surprised how far people had travelled to pick up my book
'Flying Solo' to give as a present.
A quick rush around for last minute gifts and then it was off
to Italy for a week to spend a quiet Christmas in Tuscany. My
son as usual excelled himself with his culinary expertise, and
we were very spoilt, but paid it back in grandchildren duties.

January is going to be a quiet month with time to organise
what looks like a very busy year.
The next update will be in February after my trip to Orlando
for FX.
All the best
New appearance date:
January 28th - 30th 2005
FX 2005
Expo Center Downtown
Orlando Florida
2004 news archive >