Hello everyone - just back home from Atlanta and Chicago.
Dragon*Con was a little different this year as they kicked off
Saturday morning with a parade through the streets.

At the end of the parade my bodyguards led me back to the
Hall of Fame.

The show was very busy this year, and there were many panels
to attend as well as the Star Wars auction and Fancy Dress
parade. Many of the 501st bought my book 'Flying Solo' and were
delighted when they realised they could choose their garrison
number out of the limited 2000. The evenings as always were
taken over by the fans in their fancy dress costumes. Each year
they get better, and Mr & Mrs Shrek were no exception.

Dragon*Con is a 24 hours a day show, and I saw many people
retiring to their rooms as I was was leaving for breakfast in
the morning. I met up with a friend Sherry, who had previously
made me a wonderful stained glass image of Boba Fett, and this
year had made the Death Head Insignia.

It always amazes me how many of the fans are so talented and
very generous in their gifts to me. Another young girl called
Sydney had made a rug of Boba by hand, and it is so cool I will
hang it on the wall of my office.

Many, many thanks to all at Dragon*Con especially Cathy
Bowden from MOTF, John & Brenda Tackett for their organization
skills, and finally Pat Henry, and I look forward to coming back
again another year.
We spent a day in Atlanta before heading off to Chicago, but
the weather was abysmal as Atlanta was getting the tail end of
hurricane Frances. I had a call on my cellphone from the lady
who is making the costumes for the new pilot series "Star Hyke".
She urgently needed some of my measurements - for this I needed
a tape measure! The hotel had nothing, neither did the shopping
mall nearby, and we were directed to Office Depot. Yes, they did
have measures, but they were all metal, not so easy to measure
one's head size....or waist. We walked around Atlanta in teeming
rain and gales, wondering where we could buy such a simple thing
as a tape measure. Finally I had the idea, the one place that
should have a measure was a men's clothing store. After
explaining to the manager my predicament, he kindly loaned me
his measure as long as I promised to bring it back to the shop.
Measurements taken, phone call made, tape returned - everything
turned out OK. (BTW I will be posting updates of rehearsals and
filming of Star Hyke as it happens)
We left a damp Atlanta on an early flight and arrived to a
sunny Chicago. As we had a full day before our next show started
which is a great treat, we decided to jump on the local train
and go to downtown Chicago. It was a beautiful day, and we took
a walk along the lake.

We spent several hours in the Field Musuem, and met some
creatures that would look at home in the Cantina.

We also took in a wonderful Chinese exhibition called the
Forbidden City.
The Chicagoland Entertainment Collectors Expo opened their
doors on Friday at lunchtime, and there was a steady stream of
fans all afternoon. On Saturday morning the promoter Paul
Maiellaro had organised a charity breakfast to raise money for
the Treasure Chest Foundation. Well over 150 people attended the
breakfast, and a charity auction later also raised an
astonishing amount for the Foundation.

As always at these shows the weekend whizzed by, on Saturday
evening we attended a buffet put on by Paul for all the helpers
to meet the guests, and I presented Mike & Zachary with a cake
as they had a joint Birthday.

Fans were at the show in full costume, and I met Andrew
wearing his own interpretation of Boba - I think?

Before the show opened on Sunday another good friend very
kindly gave me the latest model kit of Boba Fett.

The show ended on Sunday afternoon, and it was time to dash
to the airport for the flight home. Many thanks to Paul & Diane,
and all the volunteers for making this a wonderful event.

Next news will be DVD release, and rehearsals for Star Hyke.
Bye for now and stay cool!
SEPTEMBER 2, 2004 |
New appearance dates:
1st/2nd/3rd October 2004
Middleton Hall
The Centre
Milton Keynes
(I will be appearing Friday & Saturday only)
20th September 2004
Champs Elysees
(10.00pm onwards for midnight release of the original trilogy on
7th November 2004
18th Internationale Filmbeurs
Parkstad Limburg
12th December 2004
Vulcan Arena
KC Stadium
SEPTEMBER 1, 2004 |
Yes, its true - I have filmed a small scene for Episode3 as
an Alderaanian pilot, and thanks to all of you for your messages
of congratulations.

More news from Atlanta and Chicago in the next couple of
weeks. Checkout
Hyperspace for more info!
New appearance dates:
21st/22nd August 2004
The 15th International Festival of Fantastic Films
Manchester Conference Center
Manchester UK
Telephone for information: 0161 929 1423
3rd/4th/5th/6th September
Atlanta GA
I will only be appearing on Saturday, Sunday & Monday due to
work commitments in the UK on Friday 3rd September.
10th/11th/12th September
Chicagoland Collectors Expo
Ramada O'Hare
Rosemont Illinois
16th October 2004
Sheringham StarWars Festival 2004
The Burlington Hotel
The Esplanade Sheringham
Norfolk UK
Telephone for information: 01263 821 157
Having had one day home after
San Diego, it was off to Italy to see the family. Since February
when they arrived they have done an enormous amount of work, and
their vegetable patch has produced an incredible amount of food
for the family. No sooner had I arrived, I was put to work
tending the pumpkins! and picking all the fresh vegetables.

The house is now looking really
like a home, and everything is growing fast.

When all the digging, watering
and babysitting had finally come to an end for the day, I then
had to prepare the apricots for the homemade jam.

The sunsets from the house are
always beautiful, but on one particular evening the darkside
made its presence felt.

After arriving back in England
we had four days at home to catch up on the mail, and email. We
then drove to Birmingham, for the Memorabilia show where I was
launching my book in the UK. I was a guest at the booth of the
"Model & Collectors Mart", and was thrilled to find that some of
my soccer heroes were sitting just opposite me. I managed to
persuade two of them to have a photograph taken with me at the

The show was very busy, and the
book proved to be very popular. As usual there is always a photo
opportunity with the 501st, and Ray Park joined me for this shot
with the UK garrison.

Towards the end of the event a
young fan Anietta, who I had met the year before, presented me
with a lovely painting of various images of Boba Fett. She is a
truly talented artist and her gift to me will take pride of
place in my office.

That's all for now everyone, my
next tales will be from Atlanta, and Chicago.
Be cool
Hi everybody!
Every year we debate whether or
not to attend the show in San Diego as it is such a long way to
travel from the U.K. for four days. When we arrived this year we
knew we had made the right decision again: the Star Wars
Pavilion was something not to have missed. Even on the Wednesday
evening when we arrived there were lines of people waiting to
collect their badges.
The Star Wars Pavilion was
quite incredible with an X-wing fighter as the centre-piece.

The Pavilion included many
licencees who were displaying their new products, along with
many actors from the original trilogy and the current films, who
had been invited to sign new photographs produced especially for
the San Diego show. I was pleased to see that the Gentle Giant
Studios had placed a huge mannequin of Boba Fett on top of their
stand - it was a little large for me to bring home to add to my

I had been invited to sit at
the Anthony Grandio booth by David Ertrachter as his company had
just brought out a new Boba Fett chequebook cover. The stand was
very busy over the four days.

On Thursday evening Daniel
Logan and myself were invited by Steve Sansweet to present one
of the prizes for the Fan Film Awards. It was a highly
entertaining night as the films get better each year and Charles
Ross did his wonderful one-man Star Wars show - quite brilliant.

No show is complete without a
501st dinner. This time it was arranged for the Friday evening
at an Italian restaurant and was attended by around 90 people.
It was great fun as it gave fans a chance to chat with the
guests in a more relaxed way.

Then who should I bump into? My
old friend Ken - Stormtrooper Elvis - who gave me one of his
special Elvis 501st T-shirts. I think Peter Mayhew and I have
the biggest collection of 501st garrison T-shirts.

I brought as many of my new
books (Flying Solo) as I could carry in my luggage, and had sold
them all by Saturday morning. One of the last fans to buy one
was a young lad called Carl.

On Saturday evening Lucasfilm
and The Gentle Giant Studios held a party on the terrace of the
Westgate Hotel. It was attended by actors, animators, authors
(in which I now include myself) and many people from the film
world. It was a beautiful evening and an opportunity to meet up
with old friends.

The four days passed very
quickly, and in no time it was off to the airport for the
journey home. We were to have just one day in London before
flying off to see the family in Italy.
Hi Everyone,
Having attended a very
enjoyable convention in Mexico City in 2001 I was happy to
return as a guest to the Sci-Fi & Toy Convention. After a 9 hour
flight to Atlanta we then connected with a further 3 hour flight
to Mexico City. Needless to say Maureen and I were exhausted and
the hotel was a welcome sight.
On the Friday morning a press
reception was organised at the hotel and I met up with my fellow
guests Rena Owen (Taun We from "Star Wars" episode II), Brad
Dourif (from "Lord of the Rings", "One flew over the Cuckoos
Nest") & Sala Baker ("Lord of the Rings"). The journey to the
convention centre was quite nerve wracking as you weave in and
out of traffic trying to avoid other cars and people attempting
to sell you everything from lottery tickets to Shreck dolls - my
nerves were not calmed when I learnt that you do not have to
take a driving test in Mexico - just buy a driving license!
When I was shown to my table I
was amazed to see a wonderful statue of Boba Fett made by
Antonio Diaz.

I had been at the show for less
than an hour when I was whisked away for a live television show
which meant braving the traffic again. The journey to the
studios which should have taken 30 minutes each way turned into
a two hour round trip due to a heavy rainstorm.
There were some extraordinary
characters at the show, and our Mexican Spiderman amazed the
crowd with his agility, and terrified the organisers when he
started climbing the walls.....

I was rather startled when a
masked sombrero-hatted Mexican tried to interview me for a local
radio station, and then broke into song - if you could call it

The show was very well
attended, and it was great to see the fans who I had met in
2001. One of the fans presented me with a handmade Boba Fett

I took along a few copies of my
book "Flying Solo" not expecting to sell them in a Spanish
speaking country and was surprised when they all went. Many
Mexicans speak good English, and one book was bought by Jose
Alberto who wanted to improve his knowledge of the English
language - hopefully my book will do the trick.

When I was last in Mexico,
Jorge (a dentist) presented me with a Boba Fett tooth cap which
came with a set of teeth - this time he went one better and gave
me another Boba Fett cap along with one of my dad! (Jango)

On Saturday I gave my talk and
tried to conduct some of it in Spanish. One of the organisers
Julio Moreno translated for me as I told various stories from
the different work I had done over the years. The fans enjoyed
it when I asked them to come up on stage and audition for the
part of Boba Fett. In the evening a dinner was arranged where
guests and fans could sit quietly away from the hustle and
bustle of the show.
On the final day Sunday one of
the volunteers came to see me with an unusual request (not the
first one I have had) - he wanted me to autograph his leg above
the deathhead tattoo. I know that some fans in the past have had
my autograph tattooed.

Sala Baker had to leave Sunday
afternoon as he had filming commitments, so is not in the group
shot below. I am standing next to Brad Dourif with Rena Owen in

The show was a great success,
and it was good to unwind on Sunday evening with a dinner at the
hotel along with Julio, and two of our translators Armando and

I always seem to travel home
with my suitcases heavier than when I arrive, and this time was
no exception. Apart from the Boba Fett statue, false teeth and
ring, I was given a bottle of Tequila by Antonio, a candlestick
from Elizabeth, and yet another bottle from one of the
volunteers. Thanks all of you in Mexico including our patient
driver Yura for making this a memorable trip.
My next trip is in a couple of
weeks when we will be going to the San Diego Comic-Con and hope
to see you there.
Here is another date for my
convention schedule:
August 14th - 15th
Birmingham UK
"The official UK launch of
Jeremy's book 'Flying Solo' will take place at the August
Memorabilia show. The show runs from the 14th - 15th August and
Jeremy will be signing copies of his book on the Model &
Collectors Mart stand throughout both days."
Two new appearance dates:
July 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Sci-Fi & Toy Show Mexico
Banamex Convention Center
Avenida del Conscripto Numero 311
Mexico DF CP 11200
July 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th
San Diego Comic Con
I will be at the Anthony Grandio Company booth in the giant Star
Wars section.
I was honoured to be invited
back to Disneyworld to participate in their Star Wars Weekends.
We flew in a couple of days
early to be able to visit the parks. I was appearing with Jake
Lloyd who I barely recognised from the young Anakin in The
Phantom Menace.

The Star Wars weekends seem to
grow each year, and the costumed characters from Star Wars are
on hand to have pictures taken with fans.

I always feel like minor
royalty when I am perched on the back of an open topped car
waving to the crowd. Luckily younger fans inform their parents
who Boba Fett is.

Jake & I went on stage to
enable fans to take photographs of us alongside many characters
from the Star Wars Saga. The cast were amazing throughout the
three days as the weather was very warm.

We were then taken to the ABC
theatre for a question and answer session. This year the
schedule was slightly different as we had three autograph
sessions each day instead of two to enable fans to get their
items signed.

The three days passed so
quickly, and suddenly it was Sunday night and the first Star
Wars weekend was over and it was time to depart. When a weekend
goes by so rapidly you know it has been fun. Thanks to Disney
for putting this event on, it is enjoyed by both fans and
On the Monday morning we had a
4.30 am call to get to the airport for a very early flight. We
were traveling to Texas to stay with friends for a couple of
days before driving to Austin for a show the following weekend.
We were given instructions on
how to get to Austin by the promoter Tim, but he made one small
error by telling us to leave the freeway at junction 206 instead
of junction 236. We were almost in San Antonio before realising
something was wrong - thanks Tim! When we finally arrived at the
hotel I was greeted by a large sign outside advertising both
Boba and the Hulk.

On the Friday evening we
attended a special dinner that Tim had organised for a few fans.
He had arranged a raffle with two prizes - my book "Flying Solo"
and an Incredible Hulk signed poster. One lady and her son were
lucky enough to win both prizes, much to the disappointment of
the other fans. On Saturday morning the show opened at 9.00 a.m.
and many people had made the effort to dress up in costume and
one character in particular caught everyone's eye.

I had not visited Austin for
several years and it was great to meet up with many new fans -
it was graduation weekend and many people came in later in the
day after the ceremonies.

On the table next to mine there
was a young artist called Cat Staggs who had produced special
T-shirts for the event, and also two amazing airbrushed
paintings of The Hulk and Boba Fett. These were hung from the
ceiling above our tables and lit from inside to give a dramatic

I am home again now, and
for the next couple of months I will be concentrating on a pilot
series in the U.K. called "Star Hyke" - for more information
click onto
New appearance date:
5th - 6th June 2004
Mighty Mini-Con
Convention Center at Oncenter
Syracuse, New York
"Number One Longing, Number
Two Regret"
Last year I was asked to appear in an independent film along
with Jenny Agutter. I played the part of Detective Robert Fett,
and as you can see my Porsche number plate is quite significant!
This film had its Premier last weekend at the Raindance East
Film Festival in London.

Empirefanfest - Secaucus
This was the first event put on by promoters Jerry Cocchiola and
Christina Romo. The show was a huge success, and they were
thrilled that Mark Hamill had agreed to attend the event on the
Sunday. When we arrived on Friday we were met at the airport by
the New Jersey Order.
On our arrival at the hotel I was presented with a wonderful
denim shirt and made an honorary member of the Order. Also I was
given a basketful of goodies to enjoy over the weekend, and
Meriwyn one of the organisers, very kindly had some chilled
white wine sent to our room.
On Saturday night after a busy
day fellow guests Mike Quinn (Nien Nunb), Michael Sheard (Ozzel),
Ken Colley (Piett) and myself were invited by Mary & Trisha from
the ISFF to join fans for a
game of pool, and buffet dinner. Needless to say Boba wiped the
floor with the two Imperial Officers.... in a tough game......

On Sunday morning everyone was
in a state of anticipation awaiting the arrival of Mark Hamill.
At around 11.00 o'clock Mark arrived at the convention centre
and gave a wonderful, highly amusing one hour talk. It was very
interesting to hear about all the other films and projects he
has been involved with throughout his career, and he gave us
several renditions of his 'Joker Voice' from the Batman cartoons
which kept the audience in fits of laughter. I think he would
have been very happy to carry on for another hour, but there
were autographs to sign for the fans. After his talk I was able
to spend a few minutes with Mark and his wife Mary Lou in the
hospitality suite where we reminisced about our days on the Star
Wars set.

On Sunday evening Maureen and I
were invited by the New Jersey order to have dinner at a local
Italian restaurant. The food was delicious, and very authentic.
They very kindly presented me with a plaque to commemorate my
honorary membership.

The following day we had free
before our evening flight, and we were driven by Gary, Marie and
Ed of the New Jersey Order to a nearby shopping mall to meet
Matt of Crystalix
where I had my head scanned (not my brain) to immortalize my
image in crystal, which I now have sitting on my office desk.

On our journey back to the
hotel we found ourselves following the most extraordinary van -
it would have been Michael Sheard's dream vehicle. It sported
even more badges than his suit lapels could have carried.

We rounded off our day meeting
up with Christina and her husband Mario, as well as my fellow
New Jersey Order friends for a farewell lunch. Then it was off
to the airport for our trip home.
Many thanks to all at
Empirefanfest in making it a memorable weekend.
Flying Solo
pricing and
shipping details:

U.K. |
+ ?4.50 postage & packing to a U.K. address |
?45 +
?12 postage & packing to a European address |
U.S. |
+ $20 postage & packing to a U.S. Address |
(Above pricing includes recorded
delivery or signed for)
To reserve your copy please send your remittance either by
cheque made out to "Jeremy Bulloch", or International Money
Order (negotiable in the U.K.) to the following address:
Jeremy Bulloch
c/o The Jeans Press
10 Birchwood Road
SW17 9BQ
Allow 2 weeks for delivery.
Please indicate if you would like your book personalized.
New appearance dates:
May 14th, 15th, 16th 2004
Star Wars Weekend
Orlando, FL
May 22nd 2004
The Texas Superhero & Sci-Fi Collectors Expo
Red Lion Hotel
Austin, TX
My first trip to the US this
year was the Grand Slam in Pasadena Although I have travelled
the Atlantic many times I have never before seen such a
wonderful view from the aircraft as we flew over Canada.

As this was the first time I
was showing my book "Flying Solo" to
the public I was anxious to see how it would be received. On the
first day of the convention many fans were pleased by the
appearance of the book and purchased one. Carol Alves who I have
known for a long time was one of the first to buy one, and I
received the following email the next day from her husband Jim:
228-9- When Carol got to the part about the
cross-examination of the adjutant, her giggles became
worse- guffaws, snickers, then belly laughter; followed by
a dash for the bathroom..... " |

It was great to meet up with
young Daniel Logan again who is getting to be almost as tall as

Another fan of sci-fi who I
meet up with at many shows is Loretta, and she was also
thrilled to get the book

On Saturday evening a cocktail
party was arranged where the fans could spend a quiet time with
the Star Wars guests including Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew, Ken
Colley and Rusty Goffe. Caroline Heaton who had travelled from
Canada attended the evening and also purchased the book.

I could have sold many more
books, but was limited with the amount I could carry. Two fans
who came along on Sunday were disappointed and had to be content
with me reading from my sample copy - I hope you were suitably
impressed girls!

At long last my book is
published! As the photograph shows,
it will be sold with its own matching slipcase. I will be taking
a few copies along to the
Grand Slam in Pasadena this weekend. Remember this is a
limited edition of 2000 copies.
The price including autograph
will be ?30.00 or equivalent in other currencies when purchased
directly from me at shows. Soon I will be announcing how you can
order through the website and what the cost of shipping will be.

Tales of a Bounty Hunter
"Just released, a
beautiful hardback book with its own slipcase, limited to 2000
copies, numbered and signed by Jeremy Bulloch. It tells the
story of his life from a very early age through to the present.
The book contains events from his early work as a child actor
leading up to his latest project. His career is interwoven with
tales from the many conventions he has attended as 'Boba Fett'.
The book has also many interesting photographs from Jeremy's
personal life and professional career."
The last couple of weeks have
been spent in Italy finalising the book and helping our son and
family settle into their new home.

Their house is set on a beautiful
hillside with views as far as Elba.

On the second morning we awoke to
an exceptional blizzard, but help was on hand with a warm log
fire and a delicious wild boar stew.

New appearance dates:
20th March 2004
Shop signing with Kenny Baker, from 11.00 am
Yesterdays Yubnub
7a Fleet Street
Wigan WN5 0DU
26-28th March 2004
12th Annual Grand Slam
Pasadena Center
17-18th April 2004
Empire Fan Fest
Crowne Plaza Hotel
FEBRUARY 15, 2004 |
Hello Everyone,
I would like to thank all of you who sent birthday wishes
yesterday. There are too many to be able to thank in person or
by email.
At last the final stages of the
book are nearing completion. I am sending a teaser so you can
have some idea of what it will be about. Of course I will not be
giving too much away...
Best Wishes,
FEBRUARY 01, 2004 |
I am pleased to announce that
shortly this site will be up and running with the much needed
help of Rebelscum.com.
2003 was a very busy year spent
traveling the world under the Star Wars umbrella, and included
trips to Japan, America, France, Puerto Rico, Germany, Belgium
and ending the year with a memorable convention on Reunion
Island in the Indian Ocean.
The first part of 2004 I have
decided to keep fairly clear for various reasons. Next month we
will be traveling to Italy for a few weeks to help settle our
son and his family into their new house in Tuscany. Finally after six hectic years on the road I
plan to appease my agent here who is constantly asking me when I
will be in England for more than a few days! and get back to
?proper? work.
I will still be attending
conventions when work permits, and plan to be at the Grand Slam
in Pasadena in March. Further shows will be announced as they
are confirmed, and I will be writing a short story of each show,
along with photos taken at the event.
As this is an embryonic site
for me and is an exercise in linking the many wonderful fans of
Boba Fett, I would really like to
hear from you
with any ideas of what you would like to see on this site.
Finally I would like to extend
my sincere thanks to Aaron Proctor for making
such a professional website and wish him all the best for his
future career.