Welcome to JeremyBulloch.com

enquiries for shows,
events or conventions:
Hi Everyone
It has just been announced that the Sci-Fi series I was
involved in called 'StarHyke' will be aired on Showcase TV (Sky
Channel 201 or Freesat Channel 403) at 8pm Tuesday 13th December
or 2pm Friday 16th December (then every Tuesday and Friday.

Since my last update we have actually visited 6 cities on a
whirlwind tour. Before going off to Belfast a great friend of
ours from Australia came to stay. He organised our very first
convention down under - way back in the 1980's. We had lots to
catch up on after such a long time, and it was great seeing him

We then headed off for our third visit to the Odyssey for
Invasion Belfast. This time my fellow guest was Femi Taylor who
we had met up with just a month earlier in Norwich. As usual
Martin Ryan had made yet more amazing props. This show is always
packed with young children who love to see all the magic of Star
Wars and spend the day being 'Luke Skywalker' Thanks to Martin
and all the combined team who give up their time and work very
hard throughout the weekend. Maureen also says thanks for the
lovely scarf and perfume.

Our next trip was to Madrid which is a lovely city to visit.
We went in a day early so that I could do some publicity for the
show.. When we arrived at the venue Vicente - our host - had
commissioned a very special poster for me which included various
shots of different shows I had been in. I was also presented
with an exclusive Cificom 2011 figure made by mtfprops.com.

The show was good fun and we were taken across town in the
evening to a very authentic 50's diner called Tommy Mel's.
Some of the costumes at the show were excellent including
these two brightly decorated characters and this little female

There is always room for another take on Boba and this helmet
looked very special and well made. These Lego men were not so
large as they looked.

Monday we had time to be tourists and visit the Palace and
gardens and the wonderful crypt of the Madrid Cathedral.

Our next show was in the medieval city of Ghent, Belgium and
we travelled on the Eurostar train which made a pleasant
alternative to flying. We were travelling with Garrick Hagon and
his wife and Kenny Baker and his nephew Drew. With all the
chattering and what with changing trains Maureen managed to
leave our bag with the computer etc. on the train at Brussels.
It was on its way to Brugges but luckily we were able get it
back safely 2 hours later - many thanks to the honest Belgians.
With that stressful start to the weekend it only got better. On
arrival at the venue we were greeted by lines of fans and
several hours later the hall was at bursting point.

Ken Colley and Julian Glover were also Star Wars guests, and
we were presented with a plaque from the Benelux Rebel Legion
plus copious amounts of Belgian chocolates - thanks as always
guys & gals.

On Saturday evening we all met up for a lovely dinner with
Pieter Soet (our host) and his colleagues. Thanks to Emmanuel
for putting on such a spectacular event.
On Sunday evening we changed hotels to stay in the centre of
Ghent to be near the station for our train home on Monday
morning. On looking out of our window in the morning we were
greeted with this extraordinary scene. Further along the street
it was much more peaceful.

Luckily we lost no luggage on the way home.... Our next event
was something completely different - a Dr Who convention and
cruise. It felt strange coming into Orlando at this time of year
as it is usually for Disney weekends in the summer. The weather
was much cooler. The event took place at the Doubletree hotel on
International Drive which is very familiar to us. Other guests
included Terry Molloy (Davros), Arthur Darvill (Dr Who), Naoko
Mori (Torchwood), Paul Marc Davis (Dr Who, Torchwood & Sarah
Jane series) and Paul Bradford & Scott Teppeman from Ghost
Hunters International - a very good mix. For once Boba was not
top of the attractions :-( but we still had great fun.

The next part of our trip was going to be an unknown
adventure - a cruise to the Bahamas. We were very excited, and
arrived early to board the boat. Unfortunately it was delayed by
heavy seas on its way from New Orleans. When boarding eventually
took place it was rather chaotic as 2500 people were trying to
get on the ship at once instead of the normal staggering of
boarding times. Anyhow once aboard all this was forgotton.

On board with us were Dan Harris (cruise organiser), Paul
Marc Davis, Jen & Mark, Richard, Ruth and her son Matt. Quite a
small group, but we all had time to get to know each other. The
ship was large enough that one never felt it was too crowded -
there was masses to do and the only time everyone came together
was at mealtimes (of course). Dinner in the dining room was
quite an elegant affair which made a nice change from t-shirts
and trainers.
Our first port of call was Freeport, followed by Nassau which
had an amazing basket market and finally to the idyllic island
of Half Moon Cay where we spent the whole day lazing around and
going on a glass bottom boat.

Our final day was spent sailing back to Port Canaveral -
weather was good and our final sunset was not to be missed. All
in all we had a terrific experience.

We docked really early in the morning and had the whole day
before our flight home to the UK. After all our farewells
Richard kindly drove us to Downtown Disney where we strolled
around the market where arts and crafts were being sold. This
hot air balloon looked quite inviting, but we decided to stay on
terra firma until our flight home.

Many thanks to Jarrod for inviting us to the Hurricane Who
convention and to Dan Harris for organising the cruise. Dan you
should be thinking about a Star Wars Cruise!!
Our organisational skills were somewhat lacking as we were
home from Orlando for three days before winging our way back to
Boston for Super Megafest. It had been some years since we
attended this show and it had certainly grown in size. It was
good to see young Boba again. Two interesting characters were
wandering around, one scary and one I have yet to work out!

We sat next to the talented artist Kevin Liell who had
painted a limited edition print of me and Boba on the lines of
the famous Norman Rockwell print. Also attending was Mike Smash
who had made another interesting Boba mirror.

A very good show and many thanks to John & Ken for the
invite. As always transatlantic flights home are in the evening
so we like to take advantage of the free day to sightsee. This
time we visited the famous Faneuil Hall Marketplace and as it
was beginning to get quite cold the local clam chowder was very
welcoming and delicious.

Well thats all for events for 2011 - already we are getting
many enquiries for 2012, but will probably have a break for
January, Thank you for following my adventures and wish you all
a wonderful Christmas Holiday, and a Happy and prosperous New
Year. Safe journeys and speak soon.

- Jeremy
Hi Everyone
Its been a while since the last update as we have had a
really busy summer. Robbie's family were with us for six weeks
before relocating to Sri Lanka in August. The house was wall to
wall with grandchildren. Whereas the U.S. was suffering record
temperatures the UK had quite a miserable summer, but that did
not deter Ned and Jossie visiting the beach to play with the
gentle sea-life....ouch! or Ned captaining the H.M.S. Belfast
down the river Thames.

Our friend Jonathan at the Movieum on the South Bank very
kindly gave us a tour which delighted the boys as they had a
special Harry Potter exhibit and a fun Simpsons room. Little
Indy was quite happy to help me and play with the Boba Fett

The house seemed very quiet when they all left, but it was
soon off to Italy for a short break with some more
grandchildren. We had one very blustery day, but the kids loved
it down on the beach body surfing in the waves. We chose the
easier option of just watching. I hope you are not bored with
Italian sunsets but here is one I couldn't resist - it must be
one of the best.

We were not short on entertainment while in Italy both human
and animal. There are many families of wild boar roaming around
and we were very lucky to get a photo of one of these shy

Our next event was with the Norwich District Star Wars Club.
The show took place at the Hollywood cinema in Norwich where
they were showing many old films. It was great to see Femi again
and also Colin Baker. Thanks to Richard and the gang for a
lovely weekend.

From sunny Norwich to the unpronounceable airport Bydgoszcz
in Poland. The show was actually in the picturesque town of
Toruń located on both banks of the Vistual River. On the first
evening there was a stunning lightsaber display in the park
which was attended by many. The next day I was astonished by the
number of people who turned out for the parade and to welcome me
to their town.
After the parade we went to be introduced to the President of
Toruń Michał Zaleski along with Marshal Piotr Calbecki and
Vice-Marshal Michal Korolko (also the Head of the
Kujawsko-Pomorskie Tourism Organisation) I was presented with a
lovely book of of the town along with some delicious local

The show began around midday and on hand to help were the
Mandalorian Star Force members. Later that afternoon I was
stunned to be presented with a rather large box - what could be

Twins Adam and Marek Kulesza had made this lovely box and had
etched the bottle with the image of Boba Fett. They also made
this magnificent display of the Millenium Falcon which took
months to construct. Quite extraordinary.

On Saturday evening we did a little sightseeing round Toruń
with its lovely centuries-old buildings and open air cafes.

On Sunday we were invited by Leszek and his wife Katarzyna to
their home in 'Obi Wan Kenobi Street' (absolutely true!) where
we had a wonderful lunch along with many of the volunteers and
501st members. Everyone was so hospitable and generous and I was
given more wonderful gifts to add to my collection.

This city is definitely worth a visit for its history, fine
food and welcoming people. Special thanks to Lukasz for
arranging our trip and translating and also to Gaja "Aep
Tiennai" Mrowińska for her translating skills also. A lovely
Our next trip was to another lovely city - Montreal - I had
been at this show two years ago, and it has really grown to the
extent that many fans had to queue for several hours to get in.
One fan Fredd had actually travelled by car for 6/7hours from
Seven Isles to get there.

The atmosphere at the convention was incredible - for a lot
of people it was their first visit ever to a show.

I was so busy that I didn't get much time to look around, but
luckily the 501st had a table just opposite me and presented me
with a lovely plaque.

The Montreal skyline at night looks very impressive as does
the harbour which has changed quite a lot since our last visit
two years ago. Maureen & I became tourists on the Monday and
spent the day sightseeing - there is a lot to see.

One person I did not get to meet at the show was Stan Lee,
but I did have the pleasure of meeting him earlier this year at
the event in Albuquerque. What a lovely man.

That's all for now - our next few trips will be in Europe -
so will speak soon and thanks for following my travels.
The Fett...................
Hi Everyone
Hope you are not too baked those of you living in the US - we
need some of your sunshine here in the UK and we will send over
some of our rain.....We did sample plenty of warm weather when
we travelled to Albuquerque for ACE 2011. The convention center
was pretty impressive as were the bronze statues nearby.

It was our first visit to New Mexico and all the fans were
very welcoming. The show was very busy and we had a wonderful
evening with the Dewback Ridge 501st and then on to a rooftop
party with the promoters - what a busy social life we have!!
The show had some interesting exhibits including the
Batmobile and The Droids.

Thanks to all in New Mexico for a lovely time.
Our next two shows were in the UK, the first down in
Eastleigh near the south coast of England. It was a one day
show, and Dave Prowse was celebrating his birthday, so had a
special cake presented to him.

A fun day out with the added bonus of being able to drive
there and back in a day.
The following weekend the LFCC was even closer to home - it
took us exactly 15 minutes to get there in the morning. The show
was wall to wall with fans so there was very little opportunity
to take photos, but I did manage to get these two shots.

Back to the US again this time to Louisville, Kentucky. On
Friday morning we were given the opportunity to either visit the
Muhammad Ali museum or the Churchill Downs racetrack where the
famous Kentucky Derby takes place. Being a boxing fan there was
no contest. It was a very moving experience following his
amazing career.

I was sad to miss the racetrack, but Gilbert Lochner very
kindly send me some amazing photos he had taken.

Back to the event, and the venue was very warm due to AC
problems, but that was soon solved with several fans being
brought in (electric fans of course!) Like all of these first
time visits to new cities the fans (human of course) are very
pleased to see you. We had such a good time what with the
mixture of Horror and Fandom. It was good to see John Carpenter,
director of some of the best horror films. Thanks to Michael
from the 501st for the bag of goodies he gave me on behalf of
himself and the 50st. Also the lunches were superb in the green
room - thanks chef.. On Monday morning the promoter Ken's wife
Myra invited us to a very unusual eatery called Lynn's Paradise
Cafe. It certainly was unusual with an amazingly colourful
decor, and we were all given potato guns to amuse ourselves
whilst awaiting our brunch.

As we were going straight to Monroeville, Pittsburgh for
Steel City Con the following weekend we rented a car and took
our time to drive across Ohio taking in some of the beautiful
countryside. One place we stopped at was Cambridge. A
picturesque town, but unfortunately the centre was under
construction. We did find this pretty courthouse though.
On our arrival in Monroeville we barely had time to get to
our hotel room when the heavens opened and we experienced the
most violent thunderstorm from our 15th floor window. It was so
bad that the hotel lights went out for two hours. So it really
was dining by candlelight.

The next morning the weather was beautiful and it was as if
the storm had never happened. The show went very well over the
weekend and I had plenty of Boba's to keep me company, and also
for some unknown reason a chicken eating cow........
Thanks to Dominic for inviting us back to Steel City Con and
also to the guys who gave me these lovely gifts over the last
three events.

All for now guys and gals, speak soon and take care.
Hello Star Wars/Dr Who fans - who fancies a cruise. I will be on a sci-fi cruise from 7th-12th November sailing from Port Canaveral, Florida to the Bahamas and back. Come along and join me on my first cruise ever. For further details check out www.scificruise.com and book early to secure a place. See you at sea!
- Jeremy
Hi Everyone
We flew into Houston for the Comicpalooza convention. It had
been a long time since we were last there so it was nice to be
back. Our hotel adjoined the convention center which was very
convenient and also the lovely Discovery Green park was nearby.

The show opened Friday afternoon and it was very busy. Being
in Houston there was no way we could miss a visit to NASA - it
was bizarre that our last event had been at the National Space
Centre in Leicester UK and here we were about to see the real
thing as we were lucky enough to be invited to visit the Mission
Control Center.

Our first meeting was with the Robonaut. He/She/It was very
clever and could perform an amazing array of tasks.

Another robot's headwear looked rather familiar?

Next was our turn to enter the Shuttle Motion Base Simulator
with our astronaut trainer Kevin.

After our trip to the moon and back I was given the simple
task of landing the shuttle with a few instructions from Kevin.
Alas the first attempt was rubbish and we ended up in the sea,
but on my second attempt I landed the craft beautifully (though
I say it myself). I might even ask Virgin Atlantic if I can fly
the plane home?

The three hour tour was incredible with so much to see and
very helpful people talking us through everything that happens
when the astronauts go into space.

One poor guy obviously couldn't solve every single problem!

It was a fabulous evening and many thanks to Joe and Traci
and all the guys that gave us their time and expertise. A trip
never to be forgotten.
The first person I met at the convention on Saturday morning
believe it or not was called 'Jeremy Bulloch' with exactly the
same spelling as my name.

Costumes were out in force and two of my favourite characters
from my childhood were there.

While we are on the subject of costumes here are some more
amazing outfits.

Among my fellow guests were Tom Kane who kept us amused with
his brilliant voices and Devon Murray who was there with his
lovely lady Aoife.

We had a lovely time in Houston and all the people were very
welcoming - thanks everyone and especially John and his team who
put the show on.
The following weekend was SWW at Disney. As we have been
there many times before and taken photos of practically
everything worth seeing it was difficult to find new things to
photograph. The lake at the Boardwalk always looks so peaceful
as does the sunset. The lake at Epcot also looks quite dramatic
at night.

It was very exciting this year at the Hollywood Studios as
the new Star Tours ride had opened. I am embarrassed to say that
I actually went on the ride 10 times and only once did I see
Boba Fett (There are around 50 different combinations for the
ride) This year also we had a much larger stage which worked
very well.

Thanks to the Disney team and also our friends at the
Boardwalk who always make our visit so special.
And thanks also to Tony in Houston for giving me this etching
of Boba by Tommy Phillips and to Lawrence Reynolds for this
lovely artwork.

All for now guys and girls - next stop New Mexico.
Take care
Hi Everyone
We had an extremely busy April starting with Robbie and his
family coming to London. He and Kirsty were finally getting
married. It was more difficult than expected and they ended up
in fits of giggles. Apparently it all started with the names:
Bulloch was marrying a Wildgoose and the registrar (believe it
or not) was called Partridge. I think even I would have had to
stifle the giggles.

They finally emerged husband and wife, and we had a lovely
party to celebrate.

The following day we travelled to Ireland to attend Invasion
Dublin. It was good to see Julian Glover again along with Kenny
Baker, Paul Blake, Garrick Hagon, Michael Kingma the wookie and
the Star Wars guru Steve Sansweet. The full size models are
always incredible at this special event and the children with
their light sabres had a wonderful time. Steve and myself even
joined in the fun and tried out the Jedi Training School.

This was my second visit to Invasion Dublin and it was even
busier than last year. Most of the attendees were under the age
of 10 and many were dressed up in costume. One little one
definitely had been practising with her light sabre.

At the end of the day it was nice to just relax with

Its always a delight to be in Ireland, and it was good to
meet up with the guys and girls from the Emerald Garrision over
a pint or two of Guinness. Many thanks to Martin and John for
putting on another superb event.
We got home just in time to see Robbie and his new bride
start their journey back to Madrid and then it was time to head
off to Germany for Fedcon. This convention was celebrating its
20th year anniversary and taking place at the rather splendid
Maritim Hotel in Dusseldorf which is conveniently situated at
the airport. It was our first time at Fedcon and many guests had
flown in from the US. They hailed from series such as Star Trek,
Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, etc. and of course Star
Wars. The hotel was completely taken over with guests and fans.
Many of the fans were in full costume including the female

It was a busy four days for everyone and we finally had time
to relax with fellow guests at a rather nice supper on the last

At the last minute I had been invited by Nick from 3 Darths
in Harlow to appear in his shop for 'free comic day' and also by
Malika to appear at the Space Centre in Leicester. We had
already promised to look after three of our grandchildren that
weekend and thought it would be fun to take them along to see
what their Grandad actually did at these events. When we arrived
in Harlow they immediately felt at home with guys from the 501st
and had great fun interacting with them. A great day was had by

Later that day we did the long drive to Leicester to prepare
for the event the following day. We arrived at the Space Centre
early which gave the girls time to look around before the doors
opened. They were so excited at all the wonderful things to
explore. They were very helpful in setting up and I think quite
liked the idea of playing shopkeepers.

I had taken my Boba Fett costume to wear for charity, and
managed to raise a fair amount of money letting the children
have photos taken with Boba.

As always I needed help to get into the costume Nathan and
Mark were on hand as was an old friend Gary who has just joined
the 501st.

All for now folks - its nearly June so it must be Star Wars
Weekends!! Speak later.
Hi Everyone
Its good to see that Spring is on its way with warmer weather
and blue skies - yes even here in the UK we have blue skies
occasionally. We went off to the Wizard show in Toronto in the
middle of March. It is one of our favourite cities as there is
so much to do and its very easy to get around. The show was very
well attended and good fun.

On Saturday evening Peter Mayhew and myself were invited out
by the 501st for a meal in a pub which had a great atmosphere
and made us feel like at home. I was honoured to be presented
with a hockey shirt which came in very handy as the weather was
getting cold.

I probably should learn to play hockey now or maybe I am a
little too old?
It was nice to meet up with Billy Dee again after our
hilarious chats at Disney last summer. He had an exhibition of
his paintings, but unfortunately we were unable to make it.

Other guests at the show included Ian Whyte from the
'Predator' films and Robert Maillet from 'Sherlock Holmes' and
'300'. When this photo was taken I was standing, and not on my

Before leaving Toronto we had time to visit the Art Gallery
of Ontario, and were impressed with the new addition. Alongside
the gallery was one of Toronto's oldest houses where the
historian Goldwin Smith lived.

A lovely shot of Toronto as we left the city. Luckily the
snow arrived after the show had finished. Hope to visit again

Our next trip to Kansas City. It had been quite a while since
my last visit so we were looking forward to our return. We were
staying in a very modern hotel called 'Aloft' which was very
central to many good restaurants and shopping. On Friday I did a
live radio interview to promote the show. It must of worked
because the turnout was amazing. My friend the 'Wookie'. and
Daniel Logan were my fellow Star Wars guests. As usual the 501st
were on hand to help us out.

Saturday was extremely busy despite snow warning. In the
evening we were invited to go along with members of the 501st
for a meal and some fun at Power Play. However I now regret
agreeing to take part in the Go Kart race. Embarrassingly I came
last - I still think I was given a dodgy Kart, but it was fun -
thanks guys and girls, and I'll get even with you Chad Collins!

Sunday turned out to be equally busy right until the end of
the show. Costumes as usual were wonderful and these guys took
time for a photo.

Before leaving the show I just had to say hello to Lindsay
Wagner who is probably best remembered for her portrayal of
Jaime Sommers in the television series 'The Bionic Woman'

Thanks very much to Chris for inviting me back and to all the
lovely fans who came along to the show. Below are a few gifts
that were very kindly given to me in Toronto and Kansas City,
thanks again.

While we were in the US little did we know that our two
grandsons Ned and Jossie in Madrid were meeting Prince Charles
and the Duchess of Cornwall. Apparently when Jossie was giving
Prince Charles his drawing he said ' If you are Prince, why
aren't you wearing your Crown?' Logical thinking for a 5 year

The following weekend I went to Legoland in Denmark to open
the new Star Wars Mini Legoland. It was great fun and young
costumed characters were out in force.

A lovely weekend and I came home with plenty of lego for the
While I was in Denmark Maureen made a trip to Seville in
Spain where our son Robbie was overseeing the Royal visit. It is
a wonderful city with so much beautiful architecture. The Royal
Alcazar Palace is probably the most impressive site in the city,
along with the Ibero-American Exhibition which was built in 1929
and used for filming part of Episode 11 - Attack of the Clones.
One other impressive structure which has only just been
completed is the 'Metropol Parasol' which is to become a new
contemporary urban centre.

We are now back in the UK until our next trip to Dublin over
Speak soon and keep well everyone
Very best wishes
2011 |
Hi Everyone
So sorry for the long gap since I last posted anything on my
blog - no excuse, just not a lot has happened!! Christmas was a
nice quiet family affair, if you can call two excited boys and a
high maintenance little girl quiet, but it was lovely. In
January we sort of hibernated in front of a roaring fire
shutting out the foul English weather.
In January I was contacted by artist Casey Callender who
offered to make me a collage of my character Boba Fett which
turned out really well.

At the beginning of February I was asked by director Neil
Wassell (who I worked with on Number One Longing, Number Two
Regret) to appear in a short film 'The Presentiment' as a
detective, set in the times of the infamous Jack the Ripper. I
was required to grow whiskers and a beard, and ended up looking
a lot like Father Christmas...........

I had just two days to get clean shaven in time to travel to
France for the Paris Manga show. This show just gets bigger and
bigger and this year took place at the Porte de Versailles
convention centre. We took along the camera, but for some reason
Maureen left the memory card in the computer back home (a very
senior moment) - hence no photos apart from what we could beg
steal or borrow, and that didn't amount to very much. Artist
Nacho Fernandez gave me a rather amusing cartoon of Boba and Bib
Fortuna which is now hanging in my office.

My fellow guest was Christopher Judge from Stargate, and he
was extremely busy the whole weekend. As always the 59eme legion
were on hand to support the event.

Its always great to be in Paris and once again sorry for the
lack of pictures. Many thanks to Yoann for inviting us to the
We had a couple of days to prepare for our marathon trip to
Mexico City. It had been several years since we were in Mexico
City and were thrilled when Julio Moreno invitied us back. This
time we were able to do a lot of sightseeing. With memory card
secured safely in camera we clicked away merrily and now had the
problem of too many wonderful photos to choose from:-)
Rebelcon 2 was taking place in the amazing Polyforum
Siqueiros building which is the culmination of the dreams of
David Alaro Siqueiros and Manuel Su?rez y Su?rez. Siqueiros
built the largest mural in the world, while the latter designed
the centre for arts and culture. It is situated in the World
Trade Centre which was formerly know as the 'Hotel de M?xico'.
The interior is quite incredible and the mural features 'The
March of Humanity' It is difficult to photograph the interior in
its entirety due to its unique 'dodecahedron' shape (look that
one up on Google!)

We took a trip around both the modern and ancient parts of
the city, and the contrast was extraordinary. The first thing
that stood out were the taxis, the majority were painted gold
and red and would have done Iron Man proud.

Our trip took us through the modern business
centre of Mexico City and some of the buildings were quite

We went past this amusing scene with suspended playing cards,
but have no idea what they are supposed to mean - but they
looked fun.

There are so many wonderful sights to be seen in Mexico City,
and here are a couple more.

Now to the whole purpose of our visit - Rebel Con 2 - My
fellow guest was Veronica Segura who played 'Corde' in 'Attack
of the Clones'

The costumes just keep getting more cute and younger.

Before and during the event I did many interviews, and was
very proud to be featured in an article in the prestigious
Premier Magazine.

The show was very busy and my thanks to Aldo and Abad for
tirelessly organising the lines and translating, also to Ricardo
for arranging all the media interviews.
We had another free day after the event, and were taken to
the Xochimilco lake located in the valley of Mexico. An
incredible sight awaited us when we arrived.

These extraordinary boats are called Trajineras and there
some 800 located on this lake (hopefully not all out at the same
time). Great skill is needed to manouevre these crafts alongside
many others selling food, gifts and of course the famous
'Mariachi' musicians that are happy to play to you.

It was my Birthday while I was in Mexico and Julio and
friends very kindly organised a surprise lunch at the Cafe
Tacuba - a traditional Mexican restaurant with a beautiful
stained glass window and stunning decor. What a wonderful ending
to our trip.

On our return it was time to check out all the lovely gifts I
had been given over the weekend including a unique bottle of
cola, a bust made by a young fan Adri?n, an unusual woven wooden
Boba Fett helmet. For my Birthday I was given a lovely photo
showing many scenes from in and around Mexico City, and some
very delicious confectionery - many thanks to you all.

On another note check out the following: not bad eh!
Top 10 Characters wearing a Mask or Helmet
And on a final note also check out the book 'Love Virtually'
- a very good read although we are biased as it was translated
from the German by our son and his wife.

That really is all for now, take care and thanks for reading
my blog.
2010 news archive >