
Welcome to JeremyBulloch.com

enquiries for shows,
events or conventions:
DECEMBER 31, 2008 |
Hi Everyone
After Chiller we took a gentle train journey to the west of
England to the tiniest sf shop in the galaxy. In the sleepy town
of Exmouth John runs Single Image Toys and indeed it was very
tiny; after a few storm troopers arrived there was hardly any
room for myself. Luckily the weather held out, so people could
line up outside. John had done his advertising well and the
event was busy.

Finally the day arrived for the premiere of 'Starhyke' - it
has been a long time in coming. We all gathered at the 'state of
the art' cinema at the new shopping mall at Cabot Circus in
Bristol. We were given the red carpet treatment and I was
greeted by somebody I recognised and a rather startling full
size banner of my character 'Dr Striker'

It was great day, and we all hope it will be a success.
The following weekend because of an event being cancelled in
the US we decided to attend the Leicester Space Centre. The
highlight of the event was the charity masked ball. Some of the
masks were spectacular.

At the dinner table we were a bit puzzled as to why we had
goldfish in a bowl - were they on the menu, but I guess not as
we had no fishing rods!

As we were leaving for London I was tempted to make a getaway
in this car, but thought it might be rather conspicuous on the

The following weekend was split between two events. On
Saturday we went to the NEC for Memorabilia which was very
lively, and brilliant for spotting amazing costumes, and on
Sunday travelled to Peterborough for a new event by the
Collectors Club where it was nice to meet up with Shane Rimmer
and Colin Baker.

November was a very busy month and it was time to jump on the
train again - this time to Swansea for the Heroes & Legends
show. I was thrilled to be presented with a plaque from the
Mandalorian Mercs - I really will need an extra wall in my
office to display all these wonderful gifts.
In between all this madness I was rehearsing for a workshop
of a musical about the late singer Dusty Springfield. We had
only 2 and a half rehearsal days to get it together before
performing live at the Prince Charles theatre, Leicester Square
- its all good fun, although rather taxing for the brain!
Next stop was Collectormania Glasgow for a two day event. The
venue was interesting being an ice hockey stadium, but no ice on
the days we were there thank goodness! At the end of the day
this guy was a raffle winner, and was rather pleased to have a
metal Boba as a prize. Alexandra was a runner up in the fancy
dress costume.
That's it for shows for 2008, but while I was in Glasgow
Maureen took Lara, Evie and Connie for a special day out on the
smallest railway in the UK.

At the end of the line they got to see Father Christmas for
an early gift. Evie, on being asked what she wanted for
Christmas replied 'my two front teeth'.

At Memorabilia I was approached by some lads from The Dented
Helmet asking me if I would agree to have a face mask made of me
(can't think why?) Darren & Steve made the long trip from
Nottingham to start the task. I thought they looked more like
surgeons about to give me a face lift.

That was certainly an unusual day, and once I had cleared all
the goo from my face Maureen and I flew off to Ireland to see
Christian, Deidre and family. True to form for Ireland it rained
every day, and we got some rather hazy photos of beautiful
Kinsale, and two rather curious residents.

IOne evening we went to a Christmas singalong where Deidre
sang quite beautifully. Our three days whizzed past, and soon it
was time to return to London. Bye girls see you soon.

Speak to you all again in The New Year.
Very best wishes
NOVEMBER 26, 2008 |
New Appearance Date:
5th-7th December 2008
Collectormania Glasgow
Braehead Arena
Braehead Shopping Centre
Glasgow G51 4BN
NOVEMBER 17, 2008 |
New Appearance Date:
22nd - 23rd November 2008 (Saturday only)
(Jeremy will be at the SFB Booth) 23rd November 2008 (Sunday
Collectors Club Show
East of England Showground
New Appearance Date:
November 15th/16th 2008
National Space Centre
Exploration Drive
Tel: 0116 261 0261
30th November 2008
Heroes & Legends 111
The Dolphin Hotel
South Wales
Tel: 01792 456966
07914 683534
Hi Everyone
Hope you all had a good summer, already the leaves are
turning here, and last night London saw its first snow! Before
our planned trip to see family in Madrid I had a call from BBC
Radio Scotland asking me to visit the famous Alnwick Castle in
Northumberland. Built as a medieval fortress in the 1300's it
was where, many years ago I filmed 'Mary, Queen of Scots'. The
programme was about various people's recollections of filming
there and as soon as I arrived I remembered the location and how
I used to gallop around the castle on horseback. The castle is a
favourite with film companies, and some other films include the
1998 'Elizabeth' and two 'Harry Potter 'films.

From the bitter weather of northern England to the sunny
climes of Madrid was a bit of a shock. It was great to see Ned &
Jossie again, and a highlight of the visit was a trip to the
Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo. This was a monastery built by
Felipe II in an amazing 21 years (1563-84).

The visit started off in quite an unexpected way. The
monastery is huge, and before we had purchased our entry tickets
2 year old Jossie had ducked under the security rope and at
great speed headed off into the interior of the monastery. We
had no tickets, and had to pass through security screens, and
begged to be let through. As the monastery had so many different
corridors it took us around 30 minutes to find him. He was quite
happily playing with three little Spanish girls in an empty
fountain. They did not understand a word he was saying, but
thought he was funny - we had other ideas! Anyhow all ended well
and his Mum & Dad were very relieved.

Jossie & Ned were very happy to see us. We don't get to
see them so much now with them living in Spain. We have one
family in Ireland, one in Spain and one occasionally living in
Tuscany. Help what do we do for Christmas? Well here's a cute
Christmas present.

Next stop Canada for the Manitoba Comic Con held in Winnipeg.
We arrived pretty late at night and when we got to the Marriagi
hotel we were in for a surprise. It is a themed hotel and each
room is designed for a specific country/city. We had chosen Rome
and were greeted with grapes, candlelight and a giant jacuzzi
along with a steam room - wow. Great for the evening, but next
morning we found there was very little daylight and opted for
the Japan room next door which had many windows. It was huge fun
staying there, and on Sunday evening the promoters held a party
in the Jakarta suite.

The promoters Violet and Mike had arranged for us all to have
a dinner in the Royal Crown revolving restaurant which gave us
magnificent views of the city and a good start to the event. The
show was very well attended, and had a good mixture of guests. I
was sitting next to Charlie Adler who has voiced many characters
since the 1980's including 'Smurfs', G.I. Joe character
'Lowlight' and many, many others - he kept us amused over the
Below are some shots from the convention:

Another gift I acquired for my collection was this little
paper Boba kindly given to me by Joey Heck.
As we were travelling to the US for another convention we had
a couple of days to explore Winnipeg. We visited the Manitoba
Museum of Man & Nature and were lucky enough to have Scott to
give us a personal tour. It is quite an amazing museum, and
covers history and culture right up to the modern day. The
Dioramas were so lifelike one imagined how it must have felt for
the Metis hunter.

This interesting Inukshuk is thought to be part of the
caribou hunting strategy, and served as land and water
navigation aids. Human-like versions are symbolic of the North
and the enduring culture of the Inuit people.

I was quite surprised to see Emperor Palpatine lurking in the
shadows of the museum.

We spent the whole morning seeing wonderful things, and then
came across the 'Nonsuch' This ship sailed into Hudson Bay in
1668 to explore the possibility of opening a fur trade. The
venture was very successful until 1870. The 'Nonsuch' in the
museum is one of the world's finest replicas, and was built in
England to celebrate the tricentenary of the Hudson's Bay
Company in 1970. She was sailed 8,700 miles before finally
berthing at the museum.
Winnipeg is a very old city with wonderful buildings and is
used quite a lot for filming as the architecture resembles1930's
Chicago. Also I believe there had been a graffiti competition in
2007 and here are two examples.

On our last night we were invited to Violet & Mike's home for
dinner. Mike had been a professional chef so we were in for a
feast. A nice way to round off our trip to Winnipeg. Thanks guys
for a great weekend.
The following weekend we were at a show in Niles, Ohio called
Screaming Tiki Con. This was a new event for organisers Peter &
Dawn and they had worked very hard to get it all together. We
were met at Pittsburgh airport and were very impressed to have a
deputy Sheriff, Shon, driving us to Niles. It was quite a long
journey, and maybe Shon thought he was in Slave I. As we
approached a ramp onto the freeway, a 'stop sign' suddenly
loomed out of the darkness - a very strange place to have such a
sign? Anyhow it was too late and suddenly a police car appeared
, flashing us to stop. With a few exchanges everything was fine,
but we thought the whole incident was quite amusing. We arrived
safely at the hotel thanks to Shon's careful driving!
The next morning we arrived early at the venue to check
everything out. The guests were in a futuristic tented structure
which suited the sci-fi theme. We made friends with the robot
from 'Lost in Space' and also an accordian playing rogue pirate.

On the table to our left we had the Midwest Base Garrison of
the Rebel Legion who made me an Honorary member and presented me
with a glass plaque.

There was lots to do, and I met up with around 50 children
having a Star Wars lunch in the Pizza parlour. There was even a
helicopter (batcopter) on hand to give people rides. Although
the following morning it looks as though Eugene (the pilot) has
his work cut out to defrost the bubble.
On the last evening we all went for a meal at De Marco's who
served delicious and gargantuan portions of Italian food.

Many thanks to Peter & Dawn and all the helpers who made this
first show such fun.
We were due to be at Chiller in New Jersey the following
weekend. Somehow our planning did not work out - we could have
in fact had a leisurely drive from Pittsburgh to Parsippany
(where the Chiller event was being held), taking in the
wonderful autumn colours, but ended up flying home and back out
again a few days later. Trying to get back to the US was a story
in itself. We turned up at Heathrow Airport a good three hours
before our flight to Newark. On checking in I heard the word CDG
(Charles de Gaulle) I assured the gentleman at the check-in desk
that we were flying to EWR (Newark) and not Paris. He gave me an
odd look, then explained the plane had shrunk and that 60
passengers would not be able to get on that flight - instead we
would have to fly to Paris, wait for 4 hours and then fly to JFK.
This was particularly exasperating as we had a car meeting us at
Newark at 2.00 pm, and the flight via Paris would not arrive
until 7.30pm at JFK miles from where we needed to be. To cut a
long story short we eventually arrived at Parsippany very late
and very cross - I very rarely lose my temper, but the airline
should have let us know in advance about the change. No names
mentioned, but below is a clue - spot the culprit!

When we arrived at 9.00pm at the event there were fans
waiting for me, so we set up a table until the event closed at
11.00pm. Luckily people had heard about our problem and knew we
would arrive eventually. Where I was sitting was in another tent
like structure which was fine until the heavy rains set in on
Saturday, but we survived the drips. The show was non-stop with
many amazing guests. The fans were out in force, and I believe
on Saturday that some had to be turned away because of the
numbers. I had my own bodyguard - Darryl, one of the very good
Boba Fetts (in voice & movement)

After a very long day we were off to have dinner when I met
up with this character - he obviously was hungry too.

Chiller is always a fun and very busy show - thanks Kevin.

That's all for now - speak to you all again before Christmas.
The Fett
New Appearance Date:
November 1st 2008
Single Image Toys (the smallest sf shop in the galaxy!)
13b Albion Street
Tel: 07854 903 821
November 14th - 16th 2008
Mid-West Comic-Con
Marriott Indianapolis East
7202 East 21st Street
Indiana 46219
Apologies to Thomas Spanos for not showing the Mandalore
Pendant that he so kindly gave me at Dragon*Con.

At last 'StarHyke' is having a premier to show all six
episodes at a new cinema in Bristol, UK on 8th November 2008

There are 400 tickets to be given away for the screening, and
anybody who is interested in attending should contact:
for further information.
Take care everyone
SEPTEMBER 25, 2008 |
New Appearance Date:
24th - 26th October
Hilton Parsippany
One Hilton Court
N.J 07054
SEPTEMBER 25, 2008 |
Hi Everyone
Hope you all had a good summer, the weather here has been
atrocious (not quite as bad as the US weather of late!) so its
been good to travel away from the UK.
After Japan we headed off to Tuscany for a brief holiday, but
even the weather there was peculiar for the time of year as we
had three days of rain, the upside being a beautiful rainbow.

A good way to start the day in Italy is with a really healthy
breakfast - although we did have to walk a mile to the bakery,
and a mile back!

Breakfast is not the only healthy meal - dinner was quite an
ambitious affair cooking for 22 people, luckily two very
experienced chefs were on hand.

The following evening was 'Pizza Time' and this year I tried
hard not to throw the pizza straight onto the flames, and

Again it was pizzas for around 22 people, but all went well
and the evening ended beautifully with the compulsory stunning
sunset over the sea.

Before we left we managed to climb to the top of the newly
restored castle, La Rocca.

On our arrival back home we had just two days to turn around
for the Toronto/Atlanta shows.
We arrived at our hotel in Toronto around 7.30 pm and I had
two surprises awaiting me. First of all I was informed that I
was scheduled to do a one hour stage show at 8.00pm - how I got
through after an eight hour flight was a miracle, but I had very
good back-up from the 501st who were on stage with me, and made
sure I didn't look a complete fool! - I was then whisked off for
an interview with the local television station.

The second surprise was that we had been given a room
overlooking the baseball stadium 'The Rogers Center' where the
Blue Jays were playing that evening - it was the first baseball
game I had ever seen live and very exciting it was.

The Toronto convention was extremely busy and fun to be back
after so many years. There were some great characters wandering
around, and this one looked quite scary even for Boba!

My fellow Star Wars guest was the infamous stormtrooper
Anthony Forrest and we enjoyed an evening out with the 501st at
a local restaurant.

Thanks to Aman and all the crew for a magnificent show.
We had a couple of days to explore Toronto before heading off
to Atlanta, but lost our way a few times as the waterfront had
changed dramatically since our last visit. We did manage to find
Canada's largest sailing ship.

We contemplated a trip to the top of CN tower, but that's as
far as it got, we chickened out (how embarrassing is that for
Boba?), but it did look an awful long way up.

I think we walked the whole of downtown Toronto in a couple
of days, and saw some wonderful sights.

And what do you make of this?

Next stop Atlanta for the outrageous Dragon*Con. We were
greeted with the last sunshine of the day on a downtown

We had arrived before most people so had a chance to visit
Atlanta's well known aquarium.

On Thursday evening we were invited to a small reception with
'Matters of the Force' along with fellow Star Wars guests and
authors Michael Stackpole and Kevin J. Anderson. When I walked
into the room I was in for quite a surprise. Artist Jean
Alexander had painted a very original Boba Fett. Knowing my
fondness of anything Italian, she had given quite a unique
interpretation of the character. It would not have looked out of
place in any Italian Castello. Having admired it I was
astonished when Jean handed it to me as a gift. I had the
painting on show behind my table, and by the end of the show she
had already had a commission for a similar piece of work.

The weekend at Dragon*Con is quite mad, thousands and
thousands of people in the most extraordinary costumes trying to
navigate four hotels with three very busy roads in between.
We had a couple of very pleasant evenings - one with the
Mandalorian Mercs, and another with the 501st. Its always a
pleasure to relax with you guys.
Having mentioned costumes - this one stood out (am I biased?)
It took Simon 12 months to assemble this outfit from Lego - 10
out of 10 Simon.

One of the 501st - Joe - turned out to be an expert on the
bagpipes - how cool is that?, and gave us a rendition of
'Scotland the Brave', along with many others.

This year I emceed the Star Wars Costume parade which is
always fun - it was good to see the that Lego Boba won a prize.
These two also caught my eye..........................

Talking of costumes - I am still at a loss to know why I
didn't win a consolation prize at least for this huge effort.

From the hustle and bustle of Dragon*Con it was back to the
gentle seaside town of Broadstairs in Kent for a shop signing at
Time & Space. The owners had done a good job in advertising the
event, and it was busy all day. Many thanks to all at Time &

No time or space as it was then off to Walsall for the
reunion of the SFBall. Guests included Rene Auberjonois, Bodie
Olmos, Jen Halley, Louise Jameson and Richard Arnold.

One of the things SFBall is famous for is the chocolate
fountain that appears at every event.

SFBall raises a lot of money for charity from their raffles
and auctions. It is a very friendly event to take part in, and
thanks to the committee for all their hard work.
For those of you who live in the UK you must have seen 'Bring
Back Star Wars' on channel four. It was good fun to be involved
in and Justin Lee Collins tried very hard to get all members of
the cast involved.
This last weekend took me back to Elstree Studios where a
special event had been arranged to mark Sir Cliff Richard's 50
years of being top of his profession, and a plaque was to be
unveiled. I first met Cliff when we were filming 'Summer
Holiday' in 1962 - I was very, very young. The film was about a
group of young people driving a red London bus down to Greece. A
bus had been put in place outside the studios, and when Cliff
arrived Teddy Green who played Steve in the film and myself
leapt out to surprise him.

Also attending as surprise guests were Sir Tim Rice and Jess
Conrad who worked with Cliff in 'Serious Charge'.

A wonderful day, and congratulations to Cliff and thanks to
Paul Welsh and everyone that helped getting the event together.
Next trip to Madrid to see family.
Speak soon.
New Appearance Date:
September 6th 2008
Time & Space
82 High Street
CT10 1JT
Tel: 01843 866006
10.00am - 4.00pm
New Appearance Dates:
10th - 12th October 2008
Manitoba Comic Con & Sci-Fi Expo
Winnipeg Convention Centre
375 York Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
18th -19th October 2008
Screaming Tiki
Eastwood Expo Center
5555 Youngstown Warren Road #492
OH 44446
Hello Everyone
Sorry not to have been at Wizardworld in Chicago, but the
week before I landed a role here in a BBC medical drama which
meant I was unable to travel. Also some of you may have seen me
advertised to appear in Buffalo, New York State over the weekend
of 2nd/3rd August. I was hoping to go, but at the last minute
there was a mix up with the flights, so I was unable to attend.
I do hope to be able visit in the near future.
Before we went to Japan we had a brief trip to visit our son
and his family in Madrid. Unlike our previous trip in February
the weather was glorious and the centre of Madrid looked
wonderful, especially the flowering 'Dalek'.

Walking through one of the squares we came across this lady
or was it a tree?

The Retiro park was looking splendid.

Back at their home they are lucky to have a little pool to
stay cool in, and after school everyday Ned & Jossie tuck into
huge ice-creams which keeps them quiet for at least 10 minutes.

The week went by too quickly, so we look forward to our next
Before going off to attend Celebration Japan I decided to
have a little fun and get dressed up in my newly acquired Boba
costume. It was a bit daunting with no help from the
professionals at the Dented Helmet. Just me, a sketch and
Maureen to do up the difficult bits. Don't laugh at the pictures
- we got there eventually several hours later!

It took just as long to get the costume off - you guys in the
501st who walk around all day in costume deserve a medal or two.
Now it was time to set off to Tokyo for Celebration Japan.
Everyone was looking forward to the event and we kicked off the
first evening with a birthday celebration for Tim Rose. We went
to a typical Japanese barbeque where they cook the food on a
hotplate in front of you.
Before the show officially opened I had sneak preview and got
to ride the Dewback.

When we arrived for the first day, there were long patient
lines waiting to get in. Once the hall opened people were
running to get to their favourite guest.

The three days were fun and we met lots of
people from all over the world including one of only two 501st
members from Saudi Arabia.

The three Fetts started off the stage shows which are always
entertaining. Its funny to introduce a younger Tem Morrison as
my father, but anything can happen in science fiction.
I was pleased to find yet another Boba collectable - this
time a hoodie by Marc Ecko (compliments of the Lewis Daniel

The Japanese fans are fanatical about taking photographs and
this picture proves the point, but as everyone is so polite its
never a problem.

Mark Hamill was very busy and his lovely daughter Chelsea sat
and helped me for a couple of hours. At the end of the show we
sat down to sign some autographs for charity.

Thanks Tokyo for being such great hosts, and to the
organisers the Lewis Daniel Group, and of course last but not
least our friends at Official Pix.
Off to visit Tuscany with our other son for a week in August
and then its back for the Toronto and Atlanta shows.
Have a good summer everyone and speak soon.
New Appearance Dates:
August 22nd-24th 2008
Fan Expo 2008
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
222 Bremner Blvd
August 29th - September 1st 2008
GA 30302
Hello Everyone
Finally back from a three week jaunt that took in the West
Coast, East Coast and Mexico - should get loads of airmiles!
In early May I spent a weekend in Omaha, Nebraska. I was
invited to attend the 'Free Comic Book Day' at Krypton Comics.
The day is very popular and by the time I arrived on Saturday
morning there were already lines around the block.

It was non-stop from 10.00am till 6.00pm and everyone got a
free comic or more.... it was well organised by the owner Dean.
Opening that weekend at the local cinema was the film "Iron Man"
and someone had already made the costume, and it was most
impressive as Darth Vader would say.

I was home for a couple of weeks and managed to fit in
recording an audio book for Dr Who. The story 'The Time Warrior'
was made in the 1970's (before most of you were born) and I
actually played one of the characters - 'Hal the Archer'.
The next trip had to be planned well as there were three
events taking place. First of all we were off to Guadalajara in
sunny Mexico. It was our first visit there and we were
overwhelmed with the reception we got. Early the first day I
attended a press conference to advertise the event.

After the conference we were whisked off to the pretty town
of Tlaquepaque (pronounce that if you can!) I must say that we
took hundreds of photos as everything was so beautiful, but will
not have space for them all.

Now it was time for lunch at a local restaurant.

Alejandro was our host along with members of the Guadalajara
Fan Group who took great pride in showing us around.
The following day we took a drive into the country to the
town of Tequila (I never knew that Tequila was a town or how the
drink was actually made). I was about to find out. As we were
getting nearer to the town we saw field upon field of spikey
looking plants. These were agave which is the base ingredient
used in the making of Tequila - its is a long process from start
to finish. We were to be given a special tour of the Sauza
factory by our guide Luis. At the entrance we were greeted by an
amazing mural depicting how the plant was first discovered and
its potency.

To our surprise we were given hard hats - what were we going
to be doing? Was the tequila going to be so strong that we would
be falling over?

We were not allowed to take photos inside the factory but
were shown the process from start to finish along with a couple
of sips of course!

At the end of the factory tour we were taken to a pleasant
bar and treated to couple of very special margheritas.

We had been told the girls in Guadalajara were the most
beautiful in Mexico and this picture proves the point.

There was a dinner on Friday evening for members of the Star
Wars Fan Clubs. It was delicious and was rounded off with an
extraordinary dessert.

As well as the lovely dinner I was given a very special coin
to commemorate my visit. Thanks to Jorge for designing it. Also
Charlie who is a brilliant artist made a customised card from
'Return of the Jedi'.

Another interesting visit was to the old town of Guadalajara.
There were fountains everywhere - lots of water to keep everyone
cool, and also some amazing sculptures. We toured the Government
Palace where there were some stunning murals on the walls and
ceiling painted by the extraordinary painter Jose Clemente
Orozco who had only one arm. The one mural shown below is of
'Miguel Gregorio Antonio Ignacio Hidalgo y Costilla Gallaga
Mondarte Villasenor' or simply known as Hidalgo. He is regarded
by most Mexicans as the 'Father of the Country' and was the
founder of the Mexican War of Independence.

There was so much to see, but two sights which cannot be left
out were the cathedral and the Hospicio Cabanas which was
originally an orphanage and is now a cultural centre. It also
has more ceiling murals by Orozco.

By late afternoon it was getting very hot and it was great to
have a rest albeit on a strange seat! and also nice to see some

At last it was time for the convention to begin. Plenty of
noise, plenty of costumes and plenty of fun. The event ran from
Friday afternoon through to Sunday evening and at times it was
almost impossible to get through the crowds.

Our evenings were full of fun - one night at the Buffalo
which boasts the largest hamburgers in Mexico and our final
evening when we were taken to a typical Mexican restaurant with
delicious local food.

We would like to thank everyone for making our trip to the
lovely city of Guadalajara so memorable and will definitely come
back when we can.
I then flew to Los Angeles to visit friends and took in a day
at Frank & Son's warehouse along with Daniel Logan - sorry no
The last leg of the journey was to Orlando for the fabulous
Star Wars weekends - here I met up with Daniel again. On our
first morning Maureen & I woke to a glorious, if not scorching

It was Daniel's 21st Birthday and we all went out to the
California Grill to celebrate with our friends from Disney and
Lucasfilm. This was to be the first of many celebrations and I
think Daniel ended up with three birthday

The three days for the Star Wars weekends go like clockwork.
The parade, the signings and the stage show.

Although the weather was extremely hot and humid everyone
kept in good humour. I was lucky as I had some air-conditioning
under my tent.
Our last evening was spent at the Wilderness Lodge with
friends, and yet another birthday cake for Daniel.

Speak to you all after Celebration Japan.
Take care
New Appearance Date:
22nd June 2008
Fantasy Events UK
Grundy Park Leisure Centre
Windmill Lane
New Appearance Dates:
May 31st 2008
Frank & Son
19649 E. San Jose Ave.
City of Industry
CA 91748
June 6th - 8th 2008
Star Wars Weekends
Disney's Hollywood Studios
Star Wars Weekends
June 26th - 29th 2008
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center
5555 N. River Road
IL 60018
July 19th-21st 2008
Celebration Japan
Makuhari-Messe Convention Centre
Hi Everyone
Since my last update three events came in quick succession -
each one unique in its own way. Over the Easter weekend we went
to Dusseldorf to attend Jedi-Con. The event took place in the
recently opened Maritim Hotel which is actually in the airport.
The hotel was very spacious and luxurious and an ideal venue for
a convention.
We arrived the day before the show started and already the
hotel foyer was crowded with fans from around the world.

It was nice to see Vicente and his wife from Valencia who
presented me with an amazing book of photos from our trip to his
shop last year. It had been a team effort so thanks to all of
you in Valencia who contributed.

We were lucky enough to have a room on the concierge floor
which meant a quiet place for breakfast and an early evening

The atmosphere on the first day was very exciting, many
people in their costumes were waiting for the doors to open.

The show was very well organised with plenty of panels and Q
& A's on the magnificent stage.

It was nice to see so many little ones dressed up.
It was also nice to see some bigger ones dressed up.

The weekend was fabulous and the appalling weather outside
did not deter anyone.

Many thanks to Robert Eiba and all the committee members and
crew who did a terrific job.
Next stop was Dallas to receive my very own Boba Fett costume
lovingly made by The Dented Helmet. On our arrival we were
whisked off by Zachery, Scott and Bobby to have a bite to eat
and a look at Zachery's personal Star Wars Collection. Scott
gave me a beautifully framed picture of his Yak's Pub and Bobby
had already given me his sketch of Boba Fegg on my last visit to

This was to be a very special weekend for me culminating in
6th months of hard work. The presentation took place on Saturday
afternoon and everyone was very excited to see Boba Fett
unveiled - including me. The Dented Helmet committee explained
every aspect of the project and mentioned an astonishing 23
people who had been involved in its creation.

As well as the incredible costume there were two extra
surprises that had been kept a secret. One was a beautiful
plaque commemorating the occasion, and a very detailed lifelike
painting of me painted by Obi-Dan with help from Gonza. I was
also given a special book by Ben Stevens of some previously
unseen photos of Boba Fett from the Lucasfilm archives. A
special t-shirt and coin were also produced to mark the

After all the excitement it was hard to concentrate for the
rest of the afternoon, and I was looking forward to the evening
at Philip's New Wookiee Workshop where I would finally get to
wear the suit.
Philip and Anne had arranged a buffet meal of tasty Mexican
food along with the compulsory large Margheritas....This was not
a good idea for me as I had to get into my suit! All the guys
and girls were pretty nervous giving the outfit the last minute
tweaks - I have never seen so many guys rushing around with
sewing machines, drills and hammers etc. It reminded me of my
dentists surgery (I have a strange dentist). I too was nervous
wondering if I had given them all the correct measurements.

It took a little while but eventually it all came together
beautifully and these shots prove it - the costume looks even
better than the original........

The evening was quite emotional, but everyone felt a great
sense of relief that the Fett Project had been a resounding
I felt quite humble when I gave the Dented Helmet guys each a
small token of my appreciation for all their hard work.

Wow what a wonderful weekend and I felt extremely honoured to
be the first Star Wars actor to be presented with his own
costume. I want to thank wholeheartedly the following people
from The Dented Helmet who made this whole project possible:
Spideyfett * Darthmiller * Batninja *
Man of War Studios * Braks Buddy * Galactic Bounty Hunter
Bobamaker * Skygunbro * TXFETT * Slave 1 pilot
Superjedi * mrgr8ness * Ripcode * Julie * Trooper TK409
Shackman * Ruffintoys * Gonzo Fett * Obi-Dan
Mark Miller * Evan4218 * Philip Wise
Our next trip was to unknown territory - St. Johns,
Newfoundland - we have flown over it maybe several hundred
times, and it is the closest point of the Americas to the UK -
only four hours time difference. But actually getting there is
quite a different matter. For some extraordinary reason known
only to the 'powers that be' there are no direct flights from
the UK to St John's so the journey involved flying to New York
(6 hours) twiddling our thumbs at the airport for a further six
hours then getting a three hour flight back to St. Johns
arriving around midnight. I won't mention the dramas we had
getting back. Anyhow it was all very worthwhile as the reception
we got in St.John's was very heartwarming and the view when we
woke up the following morning was breathtaking.

After our long journey the next day was quite relaxing with
an informal lunch with some of the committee members and a trip
to two famous landmarks. First we visited the Cabot Tower on
Signal Hill - the tower was built in 1897 to commemorate the
400th anniversary of John Cabot's discovery of Newfoundland. In
1901 Guglielmo Marconi received the very first trans-Atlantic
wireless message sent from Cornwall, England.

Next stop was Cape Spear which has the oldest surviving
Lighthouse in Newfoundland. It has been restored to its 1839
appearance. We were promised whales, seals and icebergs, and
Cape Spear was the place to see them, but unfortunately Darren &
Chris forgot to organise their appearance.......................

The people of Newfoundland are extremely friendly. It was
only the second time that Darren had put the 'Sc-Fi on the Rock'
show on, and it was very well attended. Lots of costumes and
games for the children and it seemed that everyone was having a
good time. I was sitting next to actor Brian Downey who in fact
comes from Newfoundland. He was well known for his performances
in Lexx. Also attending were the authors Kenneth Tam and Matthew
LeDrew who both kindly gave me a copy of their books.

Rod is also a talented artist and gave me one of his prints
of the Guiding Lights.

Saturday evening a special dinner was arranged so that I
could get to meet everyone in a more informal way. The show was
huge fun and I look forward to returning again in the future
when perhaps Darren can arrange a few icebergs & whales!
Our flight out gave us some spectacular views which we missed
on the way in.

Well done Darren, thanks for the gifts and chocs for Maureen.
On a much sadder note it is with regret that I have to
announce that my dear sister Sally passed away in South Africa,
she will be sorely missed by both family and friends. Many
thanks to all of you who have sent your condolences.
Take care everyone.
February always brings the SF Ball in Bournemouth and this
years guests included Erin Gray, Gil Gerrard, Caroline Munro,
Aaron Douglas, Nichelle Nichols, Levar Burton and the permanent
guest Richard Arnold.

This is always a very friendly event and raises a lot of
money for charities. I was very pleased that a special photo I
donated advertising Disney's Star Wars weekends raised a lot of
money and was bought by fellow actor Aaron Douglas - I hope he
got it home in one piece!

At the Saturday night Ball this years' theme was 'Safari' and
I am ashamed to say that I had to borrow some props from Brian &

The costumes fans make and wear always amaze me.

On Valentines Day we flew to Madrid to visit our son Robbie
and his family who will be living there for several years. We
were going to celebrate our grandson Ned's 5th birthday and my
****th birthday. Ned was having a dressing up day at his school,
and went off happily as a pirate rather than a bounty hunter.

I was last in Madrid almost 40 years ago when I was starring
in a musical called Las Leandras.

Although the weather was pretty cold and damp we managed to
do a little sightseeing starting with the magnificent Post

We attempted to visit the famous El Prado where an exhibition
of Velasquez was being held, but one glance at the line changed
our minds, so we visited the Museo Thyssen instead and saw the
Modigliani exhibition which was splendid.

Some of the architecture in Madrid is wonderful, and the
library was guarded by two respected figures.

The new airport in Madrid is futuristic, but takes about an
hour to walk from one terminal to another.

On returning home I started work on an episode of a new BBC
series called 'Bonekickers' due to be shown sometime in April.
Our next trip was a weekend in Coventry, England for the
first Collectormania Midlands show. There was a wide variety of
actors including Brent Spiner, Marina Sirtis and George Takei.
The hotel we stayed at was extraordinary as our room overlooked
- literally -Coventry City Football Club.

The show was pretty well attended considering it was the
first time at this venue.

Last Saturday saw the launch of three new Star Wars t-shirts
designed by Mitch. The event took place at the flagship store of
the Addict Clothing Co. in central London. The window looked
pretty impressive. When we arrived about 10.00 am there was
already a line of people waiting, some having been there since

The reason for arriving so early was that the first 30
customers to buy a t-shirt would get an exclusive poster signed
by Mitch and myself.
Thanks to all the wonderful staff at the store and to John
Harris and his gang of 501st - the event was a great success.

We rounded off the day with a quiet pint of beer in the local
tavern with the 501st.
Next trip to Germany at Easter for Jedi-Con, and hopefully I
will have some more news on the new series 'Bonekickers'.
Take care everyone, and speak to you all soon.
New Appearance Dates:
21st/22nd/23rd March 2008
Maritim Hotel Duesseldorf
Maritimplatz 1
40474 Dusseldorf
5th/6th April 2008
Dallas Comic Con
Richardson Civic Center
411 W Arapaho
19th/20th April
Sci-Fi on the Rock
Holiday Inn
St. Johns
3rd May 2008
Krypton Comics
2819 S. 125th Avenue
NE 68144
23rd/24th/25th May 2008
Star Wars Fan Convention - Con Comics
Expo Guadalajara
Av. Mariano Otero No. 14499
Zip 44550

FEBRUARY, 27 2008 |
From the Dallas Comic Con:
In what may be the most unique event in the history of the
Star Wars saga (and quite possible the first of its kind), an
actor will be given his own fan-made costume!
Jeremy Bulloch, the British actor who portrayed the notorious
bounty hunter Boba Fett, will be presented with a
screen-accurate, ready-to-wear costume of his most celebrated
character, based on the version he wore in The Empire Strikes
Back (1980) April 5th at the Dallas Comic Con.
Created and donated by select members of the online costuming
community The Dented Helmet (www.thedentedhelmet.com)
and Philip Wise, owner of the popular Star Wars collecting site
Rebelscum.com, the
costume is a conglomeration of the talents of people world-wide,
with some components coming all the way from Europe.
These artisans and prop-makers have donated their time, money
and efforts to create the most accurate representation possible
of the costume, culled from years of poring over movie stills,
exhibits, books and video.
Having worn borrowed Boba Fett costumes for several publicity
events in the past few years, Mr. Bulloch remarked to fans in
October that he would be honored to have his own, so members of
The Dented Helmet and Philip Wise immediately put a plan in
motion to make this request a reality.
Please join us Saturday for the official presentation, and
welcome Jeremy Bulloch into the exciting world of Star Wars
Stay tuned for additional details on the upcoming
Dallas Comic Con April 5-6 in Richardson , TX.

FEBRUARY, 17 2008 |
New appearance dates:
24th February 2008
Star Wars Event
New date:
1st/2nd March 2008
Collectormania Midlands
Ricoh Arena
FEBRUARY, 16 2008 |
Hi Everyone
A belated 'Happy New Year' - Goodness its February already!
The latest update takes in our last show of 2007 down in
Cardiff, Wales - its an annual Star Wars event and the photos
show some fun shots of Stormtroopers celebrating Christmas.

Our first event of 2008 was a trip to Las Vegas and Phoenix.
It was my seventh visit to LV and I could not believe how much
building is going on - the town has practically doubled in size.
The flight over took in some wonderful views.

We stayed at the impressive Caesars Palace hotel which has
the world famous Forum Shops. We had a lovely weekend at the
Antiquities shop. This shop has some amazing memorabilia and is
definitely worth a visit if you are in Vegas. The event was
rounded off by a superb meal in the Planet Hollywood hosted by
Damien and members of the 501st - many thanks.
As our next event was in Phoenix we decided to rent a car and
drive through the desert via the Grand Canyon. Our first stop
was the Hoover Dam which is quite an impressive sight.

Our plan was to visit the Grand Canyon, and en route we spent
the night in the pretty town of Flagstaff. It was very cold and
there was plenty of snow.

The route to the Grand Canyon took two hours and passed
through some beautiful scenery.

Our first view of the Grand Canyon literally took our breath
away - photos cannot capture its enormity.

The snow made the whole scene a little more magical and the
wildlife seemed very tame indeed.

We wished we had spent a lot longer at the Grand Canyon as it
was too much too take in in just one visit, maybe next time.
The drive to Phoenix was interesting through the desert, with
very little in-between. The convention was being held in the
city of Mesa and we had a couple of days free before the event.
Mesa boasts many interesting sculptures Including a rather
strange pink armchair.

The Phoenix Cactus Comic Con has expanded every year and this
year was no exception - it was busy Friday, Saturday and even
Sunday was packed out until closing time. Matt (the organiser)
will have to find a larger venue next time round.

Saturday evening would not be the same without the 501st get
together. We all met up in the nearby Sports Bar and had a jolly
good time singing and dancing.

Sunday evening saw vendors, fans and guests slowly departing
the premises after a fantastic event - just time for one more
photo op.

Many thanks to Ron & Dan at Toy Anxiety for organising my
visit to Phoenix.
Hope you all enjoyed this latest update - speak to you all
very soon.
New appearance dates:
8th/9th/10th February 2008
SF Ball
The Carrington Hotel
24th February 2008
Star Wars Event
Broad Street
For further information please email:
8th March 2008
3 Earlham Street
Seven Dials
Covent Garden
London WC2
11.00am - 4.00pm
"UK Streetwear brand Addict have teamed up with Lucasfilm to
produce an exclusive set of 3 boxed tees depicting the 3 of the
most iconic characters from the original Star Wars Trilogy.
Entitled 'Icons Series' this one off set of officially
licensed tees
illustrated by Mitch in his unique signature style, accurately
captures the essence of Boba Fett, Sandtrooper and Biker Scout
and are beautifully packaged in a custom box.
Launching on the 8th March at The Addict Store London, 3
Earlham Street, 7 Dials, Covent Garden and then on general
release thereafter from selected stores nationwide and at

2007 news archive >